
h�be svetem i v 21. stolet�. A ted nere��m cenzuru tam, kde byste ji cekali - v C�ne, Severn� Koreji apod. 

Cenzura cloum� Instagramem. Rec ale nen� o nudismu, rasismu ani jin�m -ismu. Pokud ov�em neexistuje slovo ,,hypokrytismus''.  Ned�vno toti� proletela svetem zpr�va, �e Instagram zablokoval #curvy. Napad� me na toto t�ma jedin� - PROC? 

Je snad pohor�uj�c� m�t krivky? Nebo hur - hl�sit se k nim? Proc tedy #skinny, #proana, #anorexy, #diet, #model, atp atp. jede svoje bomby? Zac�n�m si r�kat, zat�mco si hlad�m sv� pekne obl� nepevn� stehno, �e dne�n� svet je fakt pokriven�. 

Treba se je�te do�ijeme �pravy terms&conditions na - vek v�ce ne� 13, v��ka v�ce ne� 170 a v�ha pod 55 kg. #soontobetrue?


moves the world in 21th century. Not talking about political censorship in places you know about like China or North Korea. 

Talking about Instagram which should be #impartial and #guiltfree. Of course, I'm glad there is no nudity, rasism or any other -ism. Unless a word ,,hypocritism'' does exist. It's not that long since we've all heard about famous Instagram #curvy ban. I can ask one thing only - WHY?

Is it disturbing to have curves these days? Or even worse - it is forbidden to be proud of them? If not, why the hastags like #skinny #diet #guiltypleasure etc. are not banned and even very popular? 

Sitting on a couch while stroking my #curvy thigh and thinking about this creepy world. 

Who knows, one day soon we might witness a change of terms&conditions on - age more than 13, height more than 175 cm but weight less than 55 kgs. #soontobetrue?

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