Lid� jsou stra�ne tv�rn�
prem��leli jste nekdy nad t�m, jak snadno jsme ovlivniteln� co se informac� t�ce ? Mu�e to b�t vedome i nevedome, prostrednictv�m zn�m�ch ci m�di�. A� m�m dojem, �e v takov�ch situac�ch kles� na�e IQ v prumeru o polovinu, proto�e casto uver�me vecem, kter� nemus� m�t vubec re�ln� z�klad.
Proc o tom mluv�m ?
1. Ob�van� t�ma antikoncepce - kdysi opevovan� tabletka �test� (hodne sexu, ��dn� deti) dnes nen�viden�. V m�m okol� jsme dve cca z 40 �ensk�ch, kter� je�te ,,berou'' a vlastne se dobrovolne nic�me. �e n�s to za x let bran� napadlo a� ted, nere��me. Okol� vel� a cloveku to chte, nechte vrt� hlavou
2. Politika. Nebudu ji tady re�it, nebo se je�te zapleteme do neceho, o cem tento cl�nek vubec nen�. Nicm�ne kolik z n�s si udel� obr�zek na z�klade toho, co be�� v telce, na netu ci v novin�ch? Kolik % pravdiv�ch z�kulisn�ch informac� se k n�m vubec dostane, abychom byli opr�vneni k tomu, si ten obr�zek skutecne udelat. A to si predstavte tu paniku okolo konce sveta v roce 2012. Upr�mne bych nechtela pracovat v NASA
3. Lid�. Nekoho nezn�te vubec nebo jen m�lo, ale ostatn� u� o nem/n� mluv�. At nekoho chcete ci nechcete diskriminovat, udel�te si na neho trochu obr�zek na z�klade toho, co v�te z doslechu. V praxi to dokonce funguje jako Hal� efekt - ten, kter� se v�m na prvn� pohled l�b�, je hodnocen l�pe ne� nekdo, kdo v�m nen� sympatick�. Bohu�el to funguje i naopak
4. �kola. Jedno velk� ��� �NO !! Jdete na zkou�ku a v�e um�te. Prijdete k ucebne a uc� se v�ichni jen vy ne. Jste v klidu. Ale ti v�ichni lid� okolo. Bo�e oni se je�te uc� a j� to podcenuji. V�ak si ani nic nevybavuji, bo�e taky to mus�m otevr�t. M�m pravdu, nic si nepamatuju, bo�e, co budu delat ?! Panika, hysterie, z�chvat. To bude jasn� fail ... proboha kdo tohle zn�? J� u� 5. rok...ka�d� rok to sam�, hanba mi.
Ruku na srdce d�my a p�nov�, kdo se u� nekdy nek�m ci nec�m nechal ovlivnit?
*P.S st�le tady funguji (alespon tak nejak hodne part-time ale verte, del�m co mu�u - jen s�ly nestac�)
*People are malleable
don't say you don't know it. It can be either knowingly or unconsciously, via media, your friends or colleagues. It actually doesn't matter. What really does matter - why am I talking about it?
Few words:
1.Contraception. Every young woman knows these happy pills, right. Few years ago it was something epic. Lot of sex but no children. Fun. Now its something scary, terrible and dangerous. It actually can kill you. Well, maybe I could think about it x years ago. This or that I'm still afraid because what my friends say.
2. Politics. Definitely not going to talk about this minutely because we all could get mad easily and we don't want it. We still discuss peacefully. So . News say it's war, muslims are (all) bad or there's going to be the end of the world in 2 weeks. God, we believe in it so much it's terrifying. I mean - do we even know at least 5% real and true information? We are not supposed to know backstage things.
3. People. The biggest and strongest factor. How many times you were willing to believe your friend or colleague when speaking of someone who you don't know yet. Many times, I bet. I've been there too. ,,She is freaking stupid, I'm telling you'' ... so for you ms. X is now Ms. Bi*ch. Stupid prejudice but we are women, ehm.
4. OOOOOH my favourite school. Everyone is studying before your exam but you. You think you are ok. But then you see them. All of them. And you get nervous. Start reading again. Panicking. You forgot everything !! Panic attack. They know everything and I know nothing, gosh. What am I gonna do??? .... so me, every single year (5 in row right now)
Let's be honest, do you recognize at least one of these? Oh I know you do...
P.S I'm still here working on my blog but believe me, it's not easy this year (I know its January).
What I'm wearing
H&M coat ; LINDEX jumper ; DEICHMANN shoes ; NEW LOOK super old jeans ; ZARA old bucket bag
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