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H&M �aty // dress URBAN OUTFITTERS kabelka // bag MANGO boty // shoes |
Nejhezc� vzor vubec. Je tak jednoduch� a pritom tak mocn�. Cernob�l� kombinace mu pouze dod�v� na smyslnosti a dramaticnosti.
I pres to, �e tento vzor velk�m hitem, nen� zrovna jednoduch� naj�t s t�mto vzorem hezk� kousek, kter� by vydr�el. Tyhle �aty nejsou vyj�mkou. Nejsou toti� z nov� kolekce. Jsou star� asi 2 roky a koupila jsem je docela n�hodou v H&M. Nos�m je m�lo, mus�m na ne proste m�t n�ladu. Je to presne takov� kousek oblecen�, kter� nos�te jen velmi m�lo a i presto ho na sobe milujete.
Vyj�mecn� jak strihem, tak vzorem. Kdybych je nosila casteji, zev�ednely by. A to by si nezaslou�ily.
M�te taky ve skr�ni takov� kousek? Klenot, na kter� mus�te m�t n�ladu?
The most majestic print ever. So simple but so powerful. Black and white combination makes it even more dramatic and sensual.
It's trendy, nevertheless not so common piece. Nice clothes in marble are very hard to find. This dress is not an exception. It's not new. It's two years old and I bought them by chance in H&M. I wear it too little, I know I do. I have to be in a mood for it, you know what I mean right? It's precisely the piece you love but you need to wear it time to time. Because it deserves to be saved. If you wear something too good too often, it becomes ordinary. And this dress deserves more than that.
Do have any piece like this? A treasure you need to be in a mood for?
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