V�ichni chtej� 

Nike. J� taky. Jsou ale doby, kdy v�s i to nejlep�� omrz� a pak prem��l�te, co d�l. 

Chtela jsem na jaro nejak� por�dn� tenisky, kter� jsou pohodln� a stylov� z�roven. Air Max se mi nel�b� a jejich boom mi to jen potvrdil. Gazelle od Adidas byly okam�ite pryc a tak jsem musela naj�t alternativu. 

A na alternativy je tady star� dobr� Queens, kter� jsem nostalgicky nav�t�vila asi po 6 letech. Nejstylovej�� pecky najdete v�dycky tady a ne jinde. A stalo se tak i v m�m pr�pade - tyhle retro Pumy musely b�t moje. Lehounk�, barevn� a origin�ln�. Nic v�c, nic m�n. 

*Everybody needs

Nike. Me too. But time to time you get bored even with something awesome so you start thinking what next.

I've been waiting for a perfect pair of kicks which is comfy and stylish at the same time. I don't like Air Max and don't like the huge boom around it either. Adidas Gazelle was sold out like immediately so I was forced to find an alternative. 

But there's is a master of alternatives. Its name is Queens and I visited their store after maybe 6 years (quite nostalgic). The most stylish kicks are here and nowhere else. Need to confirm that quote for myself as well because I've found this colourful pair of retro Puma kicks. 

Do I have to say more?

What I'm wearing

Nelly, bunda // jacket ; Lindex svetr // knit ; Topshop mom jeans ; Missguided batoh // backpack ; Queens kicks

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