
jsou nejlep��m vyn�lezem v oblasti m�dy. Ka�d� si dok�e naj�t takov�, kter� mu nejv�ce lichot�. Nav�c jsou z�chrann�ch kruhem �atn�ku - prelo�eno - kdy� nev�te co na sebe, d��ny v�s vyt�hnou z bryndy. 

Leto�n� hot novinkou jsou kick flare d��ny, tedy takov�, kter� bych je�te pred p�r lety nazvala cek�n�m na povodne. Jde o d��ny nad kotn�ky, kter� jsou nav�c roz��ren� do zvonu. Proto�e v�m, �e probl�mem jsou u� i samotn� zvony, nepoc�t�m s t�m, �e se tenhle styl dock� velk� obliby. I tak mus�m r�ct, �e j� jim docela fand�m. Je to toti� neco, co rozproudilo tich� jeans vody.


are the best fashion invention so far. Everyone is able to find the One, the most flattering. Plus jeans are like your life vest - translated - when there is nothing to wear and you are desperate, jeans are ready to help you out. 

The hottest news this year must be kick flare jeans, basically jeans which I used to call ,,waiting for flood trousers'' . To be fair, its only a pair of shorter jeans with flared legs. Because I know many of you hate basic flare jeans I bet this won't be a bestseller but hey, I'm a fan. Either you like or not you have to admit one thing - its something what whirls still jeans water up! 

What I'm wearing 

MISSGUIDED  bodysuit ; TOPSHOP kick flare jeans ; CONVERSE shoes ; ZARA bag


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