
tento vodop�d bylo jako naj�t zlat� dul.

V�dy jsem z�videla bloggerk�m z jin�ch mest. V Praze maj� historick� i modern� budovy, v Lond�ne typick� radovky s kr�sn�mi ploty. Pokud �ijete v Amsterdamu, pravdepodobne budete fotit u tradicn�ch kan�lu a pokud v L.A, mu�ete m�t cokoliv - pou�te, domky, kvetiny - v�e behem jedn� okru�n� j�zdy. Co delat, kdy� chcete blogovat a m�te blog ve meste, kde prakticky nic nen� a nechcete fotit por�d na dvou m�stech? 

To j� vlastne nev�m, tak�e neporad�m. V Ostrave fot�m prakticky por�d na stejn�ch m�stech - radnice, n�mest� a Trojhal�. Par�da. Hodne inovativn�. Ve zbytku mesta bud proud� davy lid�, je rozkopan� nebo �pinav�. Pokud muj blog nejac� ostrav�ci ctou, urcite si pr�ve tisknou mou fotku na terc �ipek. Jsou samozrejme m�sta, kter� m�m r�da a kde r�da fot�m - toho industri�lna je u� na me ale hodne. Tak�e u fotek z jin�ch mest budu d�le nevdecne slintat. 

Jak� ,,blogger destinace'' je va�e obl�ben�?

*To find 

this waterfall was like finding a treasure. 

I've always been jealous of other bloggers cities. In Prague, they have either historical or modern buildings, in London terraced houses with fancy fences. If you live and blog in Amsterdam you probably take pics next to the traditional canals or brick walls. Living in L.A means you can have anything you like - desert, flowers, cherry blossom trees or cute houses in one detour. But what if you live in a city which has not much to offer?

Honestly, I don't know. I fight this everyday. I do three places on repeat. In Ostrava it must be city tower, square and ,,Trojhal�''. That's it. The rest of my town is either full of people, dug up or not pretty. If there are people from Ostrava reading my blog, they're probably printing my pic for darts. 

Not saying there aren't nice spots but its already taken by me and I slowly get bored of them. Too much industrial for me. 

So either I love my city or not, I still be drooling over other blogger's pictures. 

Which ,,blogger destination'' if your favourite?

*What I'm wearing 

ORSAY svetr // knit ; TOPSHOP top ; H&M �ortky // shorts ; MANGO p�sek // belt ; TOPSHOP obuv // shoes ; MANGO kabelka // bag 


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