
Gran�tov� jablko 

nejen skvele chutn�, ale m� i perfektn� barvu (pokud v�m ov�em nezustane na tricku). 

Ka�d�m rokem se na podzimn� m�du te��m dr�v a dr�v, a� se sama boj�m, kdy a kde to skonc�. A letos m�m jasno u� posledn� cervencov� den - mou podzimn� barvou roku 2015 bude cerven� a jej� odst�ny. #v�platov�rej m� jasn� c�l. Z�skat od ka�d�ho neco, at se mu�u cel� podzim cervenat v necem jin�m. 

Akor�t si r�k�m, �e by se pro tento �cel sp�e hodily v�nocn� pr�mie ne� ,,obyc'' letn� v�plata. 


not only tastes good but also looks great (but only if a juice is not on your tshirt).

Every year I get excited about fall fashion earlier. Frankly, I'm kinda wondering when and where it ends. This year I'm sure on 31st July - I will be wearing red and its shades on heavy rotation. #payday makes it happen so I'm gonna blush every single fall day. Even though I would rather get the Christmas bonus than an ordinary summer salary. Shame on me.

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