
m�me jen jedno. A j� na to behem no�en� nepohodln�ch bot a podpatku zapomnela. Uhnala jsem si po �icht�ch v pr�ci z�net v noze. A jeliko� ani Converse nejsou to prav� orechov�, musela si koupit zdravotn� boty. 

Sehnat takov� boty ale nebylo vubec jednoduch�. Na sportovn� sand�le a jin� boty v 50 odst�nech hnedi nem�m ,,chut'' a klasick� sand�le z l�karny v pr�ci nosit nemu�u. V Bati jsem ale na�la tyhle uch�zej�c� ko�en� sand�lky, kter� byly podle m�ho n�zoru trochu ,,prep�len�'' ale ver�m, �e poslou��. V pr�ci u� byly otestov�ny a zat�m jednou jako namazanej blesk.

Co vy, hled�te pri koupi bot i na pohodl�, st�lku, v��ku podpatku apod?


we all have got only one. And I totally forgot about it while wearing bad, high and uncomforatble shoes. This situation got me to the hospital with an inflammation of my foot and I was forced to buy something quality, healthy and good for my feet. Have to say - nothing easy guys. I don't like those sporty outdoor sandals or 50 shades of beige dull ones. Also can't wear classy medical shoes at work either. Then I went to Bata and found this acceptable pair of leather sandals - quite pricey when I saw them but ok. Do they work? Dammit yes. My feet finally are not fighting a pain or anything else. 

So how about you, are you looking at quality, material, shape and heel height while buying a pair of shoes? 

What I'm wearing 

BATA shoes ; ZARA old cardigan ; TOPSHOP mom jeans ; TOPSHOP top ; ZARA bag 

Get similar 

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