ZARA bag


jednoduchost. A to sam� plat� i u kabelek. 

Pokud me sledujete dlouho urcite v�te, �e ot�c�m zhruba 2-3 zcela jednoduch� kabelky. 

V posledn� dobe me ale nejv�ce bav� kombinace v�raznej��ho spodku s jednoduch�m trickem. A neco takov�ho potrebuje chytlav� doplnky. 

V minul�m pr�spevku se v�m hrozne l�bil ��tek, kter� dodal zbytku �mrnc, v dal��ch to bude treba tato kabelka. 

#fendivibes via Zara znamenaj� kabelkov� upgrade. Je jedno jestli m�te kabelky tri nebo jich je pades�t. Jedna z nich by mela zast�nit i fakt, �e jste vy�ly ven nah�. 

*I love

basic things. So do basic bags. 

If you've been following me for a while you possibly know I have approx 2-3 bags on repeat. 

Also, I've become a huge fan of classic t-shirts worn with an interesting bottom. And something like this needs statement accessory. 

In last post, you were admiring my silk scarf which puts a shine on everything boring. Next time it might be this bag instead. 

#fendivibes meets Zara which means bag collection upgrade. Doesn't matter if you own three bags or fifty but at leats one should be more interesting than you, walking out naked. 


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