
to je to nebezpec�, o kter�m mluv�m. Google predstavuje riziko ze dvou duvodu, kter� bud znic� v� �cet nebo va�e zdrav�. 

Napadne v�s, �e si neco por�d�te, ale v kamenn�ch obchodech to klasicky nese�enete. A tady nastupuje kamar�d G. Zachv�li u� sed�te, klik�te na ,,add to bag'' a pri ,,go to checkout'' pl�cete a v�e vynd�v�te. Pozde. U� jste stejne stihli nap�chat velk� �kody.

Pak je tady druh� stinn� str�nka friendly vyhled�vace. Jdete k doktorovi, ten v�m rekne, �e ,,V�m neco je'' a m�te prij�t za pul roku na kontrolu. Proto�e jste v �oku, zapomenete se zeptat na v�e a zbyl�ho pul roku googlujete ve�ker� mo�n� i nemo�n� choroby, kter� odpov�daj� univerz�ln�mu l�karsk�mu popisu. Netreba zminovat, �e m�te prinejmen��m ptac� chripku, v hor��m pr�pade jednu z mnoha rakovin. 

Tak ci onak v�s to poznamen�, nem�m pravdu ? 


what a powerful danger I'm talking about. Google symbolizes threat because of two simple reasons which destroy either your account or your health.

You're deeply thinking about something new you want to buy but as usual you can't find it anywhere near. And here comes your friend big G. In a moment you're sitting, clicking on ,,add to bag'' and right after ,,go to checkout'' taking 80% stuff out in tears. Too late. You've already done too much damage. 

Then, here comes the second problem. You go to a doctor who says ,,there is something wrong so you should come again in few months.'' Because you're trying to figure out what's wrong, you ask nothing. When you get home, you start feeling weird so you use big G for a help. You're looking for a real or less real disease which fits your universal diagnosis. Better scenario - bird flu, worse scenario - any of many cancers.

This or that, it leaves you affected, am I right?

*What I'm wearing 

H&M coat ; Mango top ; New Look jeans ; New Look boots ; Zara bag ; H&M hat 

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