
me udivovat, co v�e my �ensk� nacpeme do kabelek. Velikost pro n�s nen� prek�kou, pr�ve naopak. M�m pocit, �e c�m men�� kabelka, t�m v�ce vec�. Jako bychom chtely pop�rat samotnou fyziku a tvrdit, �e my prece v�me v�echno l�pe. 

Asi jako j�, kdy� jsem si ve sleve koupila tuto minikabelku, kter� je men��, ne� moje ex pene�enka. Prakticnost �la stranou, proste jsem ji chtela a ten pud ne�lo ignorovat. Probl�m nastal, kdy� jsem si do n� potrebovala d�t pene�enku, kl�ce, pr�ky a nejakou drobnou kosmetiku. Verte mi, �e bych do pr�ce neodjela, dokud bych tam v�echno nenacpala. Musela jsem si toti� dok�zat, �e v�m co del�m a kabelku vynos�m i na be�n� no�en�. Kdy� dok�zala Hermiona vecpat do vaku stan, knihy a oblecen�, j� dok�u do sv� kabelky zapasovat blbou pene�enku a p�r zcela zbytecn�ch vec�. Po 3 minut�ch a k�blu potu jsem vyhr�la. Karma mi to ale vr�tila, kdy� jsem chtela neco zaplatit. 

My �eny ... co m�te v kabelce vy?

*I can't believe

what an ordinary woman keeps in her bag. Let's admit that fact - size is not an obstacle here. The smaller the better. Its like we want to defeat laws of physics desperately because we know better. 

Just like me when I was about to buy this minibag, smaller than my exwallet. There was no practicality, just a blind instict of desire. Afterwards, i was facing real problem - how to put a wallet, keys, pills and small cosmetics in it? Well, believe me, I wouldn't go to work if I didn't win this fight. It was about my pride, about all women's bedrock. If Hermione is able to put a tent, clothes and books into one bag then I am more than capable to store my essentials too. And really, after three minutes, tears and sweat it was done. I won. Of course I won. 

Well...karma found me anyway when I was about to pay for me ice-cream. Such a bad idea. 

Us women ... right? 

What's in your bag ?

What I'm wearing  

ZARA t-shirt ; ZARA skirt ; TOPSHOP kicks ; MOHITO mini bag ; H&M belt 


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