Na karamelu

sice neuj�d�m tak, jak uj�d�m na l�sk�c�ch v cokol�de, ale kdybyste se me zeptali, jakou polevu chci na svuj dezert, neprem��lela bych dlouho. 

Reknete si, co je tak ��asn�ho na vyvaren�m cukru. A mo�n� pr�ve v tom je to jeho kouzlo. Z niceho vzniklo neco vonav�ho a chutove dokonal�ho, co nav�c mu�ete pou��t prakticky jakkoliv. Skoro jako sukni v karamelov�m odst�nu. 

Pokud u� jste se cern� prejedli a pritom chcete por�d neco jednoduch�ho, jdete do barvy s n�dechem karamelek, kter� jste zobali u� v detstv�. 


is not as good as nuts covered in chocolate but if you asked me a flavour I wouldn't think about it a lot. 

Tell me, what's so good about plain cooked sugar? Maybe that's it, the magic. You create something delicious, useful and sweet-smelling from nothing. Just like this caramel skirt. It's not about lenght, not about type or material, it's all about colour these days. 

So if you are surfeited with all black clothes but still want something simple, go for this caramel shade which feels like your childhood toffee. 


What I'm wearing 

ZARA top ; H&M skirt ; ZARA shoes ; FOREVER21 bag ; MARNI FOR H&M silk scarf

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