
ned�vno jsem na sukne nemela ani pomy�len� a d��ny byly muj nejlep�� k�mo�, v posledn� dobe se situace v�razne otocila. 

Sukne je jako spr�znen� du�e, kterou chcete br�t v�ude sebou. A proto�e se nemu�ete jen tak vyka�lat na nekoho, s k�m jste pro�ili mnoho ruzn�ch z�itku, rozhodla jsem se, �e sebou sukne vezmu i na v�let podzimem. 

A ted mi reknete - za�ili jste u� nekdy nejak� fashion obdob�? Obdob� podpatku, obdob� ko�il apod?


There were 

days when I even didn't think about skirts and jeans were my best friend. But it's all different now. 

Skirts are like soulmates which you want to keep with you anytime, anywhere. And because I simply can't dump someone who I spent so much time with I've decided to take skirts for the fall trip with me. 

And now tell me, do you this? Have you ever had a fashion period of shirts, heels etc.?

What I'm wearing 

ASOS off shoulder blouse ; ORSAY skirt ; RIVER ISLAND shoes ; MOHITO bag  


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