Na kvety 

jsem nikdy moc nebyla. Pri�lo mi, �e takov� kousek oblecen� m� stra�ne m�lo vyu�it� a je zbytecne preslazen�. A v�ne se me to dr�elo dlouho.

Dokud n�m do pr�ce nepri�la tahle off shoulder halenka s jemn�mi makov�mi kvety. Lehk�, rozevl�t�, nepreslazen�. A tak jsem zborila svuj dal�� blok. 

Nakonec, d� se nosit ke kratasum s keckama i k sukni a podpatkum. 

M�te i vy doma neco kvetovan�ho? 


were not my thing. I thought its not versatile enough and also its too sweet. Believe or not, I've been like this for a long time. Flower print hater. 

But then this off shoulder blouse happend. In a moment I first saw it at work I knew I need it. Gentle poppy flowers, flowing and not so sweet. And then an another defience was broken. 

After all, it can be worn either with kicks and shorts or skirt and heels. 

Do you have anything in flower print too?

*What I'm wearing 

ORSAY blouse ; ZARA shorts ; TOPSHOP old kicks ; ZARA immortal bag  


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