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ASOS ko��ek // coat ZARA kalhoty // trousers ZARA tenisky // shoes ASOS batoh // backpack C&A beanie |
Jsou veci, kter� v�s ani V� nenauc�
Mezi jednu z nich patr� treba pravidlo nesedet v brut�ln� zime na kamenn�ch schodech u radnice. Ne, �e by to nevypadalo desne cool a chic, ale zhruba o jeden den pozdeji si budete nad�vat velmi sproste. C�m� automaticky poru��te dal�� z�sadu. Dal�� vec� je neprotr�t si oci hned po tom, co si do j�dla nadrt�te (samozrejme rukou) chilli papricky. Nejl�pe su�en�.
Pak tam patr� v�em dobre zn�m� rada - v zime se obl�kej teple. Ruku na srdce, ten nov� svetr s v�strihem prece vypad� l�pe bez ��ly a nejl�pe se hod� k tomu kab�tu, kter� ale zapnut� vypad� pr�erne. A be��te preci jen na zast�vku a pak ze zast�vky do �koly. V pohode.
V neposledn� rade nutno zm�nit i praktickou vec v podobe ponech�n� V�ECH paragonu. Proto�e speci�lne ten dokonal� svetr, kter� nikdy nikdy nikdy nevr�t�te, bude m�t nejl�pe hned od zac�tku d�ru na ruk�vu.
J� samozrejme nedodr�uji nic z v��e uveden�ho ...
No, alespon m�m tu cepici a ko�ich. #welcomeback
*There are several things which even university doesn't teach you
First of all - no one (everyone) teaches you to not sit on cold stairs while it's extremely cold outside. It does look amazing and super duper chic but you'll be swearing a lot day after. Which means you break an another childhood rule. The swearword one. Another thing is well known to everyone. Don't rub your eyes after cutting hot dried chillies. Whoops, too late.
And how could I forget about the general wisdom - get dressed warm in winter. Frankly, your new camel low V-neck knit looks so much better without a shawl and you need to wear it with a coat which totally looks terrible when fastened. And you just go quick to a bus stop and then to school. Quick as well, so it's kinda ok, right?
Last but least something real practical - DO keep your receipts. All of them even the one of your top favourte knit which you will never return cause it's the perfect knit. Well, bet you've already bought it with a hole on your sleeve. Dammit.
Have to admit I dunno keep anything.
At least I have this fur coat and beanie to keep me warm. Now i need to hope it won't break down.
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