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WAREHOUSE kab�t // coat (buy it here) ZARA svetr // knit ZARA jeans PIMKIE kabelka // bag ASOS slipons (similar here) |
Pri pondelku velice origin�ln� n�zev
Za dva dny jsem naspala asi 10 hodin, co� je pro me (jako�to neparty holku) neco jako pro norm�ln� mlad� lidi j�zda nonstop. Nic origin�lnej��ho jsem tedy vymyslet nemohla.
I tak v�s urcite prekvapila �cast nov� barvy. Cerven� je barva, kterou v�eobecne nesn��m. Upr�mne tedy ani nech�pu, proc jsem si koupila cerven� kab�t. Nabyla jsem asi dojmu, �e cerven� blond�ne slu�� a �la do toho. Abych n�hodou nebyla vyhl�ena za pohre�ovanou, kdyby treba jednou napadl sn�h.
I tak jsou veci, na kter�ch bych cervenou nesnesla. Kupr�kladu cerven� pr�dlo. Je mi zcela a naprosto jasn�, �e mnoho z v�s semnou nebude souhlasit, �e cerven� pr�dlo je smysln�, sexy a kdo v� co je�te. J� teda nebudu r�kat, co to evokuje ve me, proto�e bych nerada kteroukoliv z v�s urazila.
Jsou ale proste barvy, kter� na nekter� c�sti odevu vypadaj� pr�erne.
Napad� v�s nejak� takov� kombinace oblecen� a barvy?
*Very original Monday
10 hours of sleep in two days. For me (totally non-party girl) it's like dancing nonstop for an ordinary young woman. It was impossible to come up with anything more unique or funny. Still, there is something new. Red colour which I honestly hate. Don't even know why I've bought this coat. I thought it looks nice on blonde probably. Frankly think I just don't want to be declared missing when it's snowy outside.
Anyway, there're still some things I can't stand in red. For example red underwear. I know many of you can't agree with me cause you think it's sexy, passionate or whatever. Ok, I won't tell you the reason I don't like it cause I don't want to isult any of you.
But there're colours which just can't look any good with some kind of clothing. Do you know any colour/clothes combination you hate?
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