PULL&BEAR vesta // gilet (buy it here) PULL&BEAR sukne // skirt (buy it here) LINDEX kabelka // bag ZARA boty // shoes (old) (similar here) |
Ka�d� je m�
A j� obzvl�te. Zrovna vcera jsem mela prezentaci na lovemarks. Tedy znacky, kter� kupujeme nebo milujeme i presto, �e treba nesplnuj� v�e, co by mely. Pro me to jezcela necekaneZara. V�m, �e kvalita kles�, ceny rostou a kopie se mno��. Boty jsou nepohodln� a �vy kolikr�t kriv�. Tak proc teda hergot jdu a v�dy tam utrat�m tak polovinu v�platy? Proto�e jsem magor nebo obet lovemark? Upr�mne douf�m, �e jde o druhou mo�nost. I kdy� m�t lovemark z v�s vlastne magora del�. Proc jinak byste si kupovali nebo milovali neco, u ceho s radost� prehl��te klasick� atributy v�robku jako je cena, vzhled, kvalita a hlavne funkcnost?
Co je funkcn�ho na tom, m�t na zimu vlnenou vestu? Predevc�rem byly asi 3 stupne, j� si vestu vzala, k n� pridala triko s dlouh�m ruk�vem a prihodila dlouh� vlnen� kab�t v domnen�, �e j�m to cel� spas�m. Nespasila jsem. Ruk�vy profukovaly a j� hrdinne mrzla. Jako ten magor.
A tak se v�s pt�m, m�te taky nejakou znacku nebo produkt, u kter�ho zcela vedome prehl��te jeho/jej� nedouhy jen proto, �e to je proste neco, k cemu m�te neidentifikovateln� a zcela nelogick� vztah?
* vesticka sice nen� ze Zary, ale Pull&Bear spad� pod Inditex, tak je to vlastne docela fuk. A nav�c se mi jako pr�klad skvele hodila. Pokud v�m to jako duvod nestac�, ty boty jsou ze Zary a chodit na nich vy�aduje silnou soustredenost.
*Everybody has them
Especially me. I was presenting about this topic just yesterday. Lovemarks - brands we love or buy even because we know they're not the best option. To me, lovemark isamazinglyZara. I know that quality goes down, prices go up and they make copies. Shoes are mostly uncomfortable and seams crooked. So why the hell do I spend half of my salary everytime I visit? It's because I'm a nutcase or a lovemark victim? Frankly hope for the second option. Although being the lovemark victim is probably just the same like being a nutcase. I mean, there is hardly an other reason for buying and loving something what ignores the typical product attributes such as quality, price, design and mainly functionality.
Where is the functionality in a wool vest for winter? The day before yesterday, three degrees, me wearing this vest and hyper oversized wool coat to make it all right. Guess what, It didn't. Why? Because wind was blowing through the sleeves and I wasdammitcold like a freakin' hero. Just like the nutcase himself.
So I'm asking you, do you have any lovemark or product you love so much that you're deliberately overlooking everything bad about it just because you don't want to see it for your unidentified and illogical relationship ?
P.s. I do know this vest is not from Zara but Pull&Bear is owned by Inditex too so it really doesn't matter anyway. Plus it's the perfect example for my story. But if it's not enough for you, these boots are from Zara, I love them but it requires a high level of concentration on walking.
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