Zn�te to

kdy� m�te nejak� n�pad, pak se o necem doctete, neco se stane a cel� puvodn� koncept jde do ko�e?

Tohle se mi toti� stalo vcera, kdy� jsem psala tento pr�spevek. Pl�n A byl jasn� - napsat ultra pozitivn� a z�bavn� post o tom, jak� blbiny jsou u mne na denn�m por�dku. Jen�e pak se objevil pl�n B.

Koment�ru na blogery jsou mraky. Mezi m� nejobl�benej�� v�ak patr� ten, ve kter�m figurujeme jako ledov� fashion kr�lovny bez du�e. Neco ve smyslu �e Anna Wintour je Lucifer a my jsme jej� pekeln� voj�cci. 

Nechci mluvit za ostatn� slecny/p�ny, ale j� jsem hotov� K�jina tov�rna na city. S t�m souvis� ona vcerej�� n�v�teva bohyne Reality, kter� v�e jen potvrdila. Blogy, internet i casopisy jsou zahlcen� tipy Jak na prvn� rande, Jak na pohovor, Jak na jarn� detox, Jak na social media detox apod. Co n�m ale nikdo neprozrad� je tip, Jak se efektivne rozhodnout bez toho, abychom si rvali vlasy.

Priznejme si jednu vec, my �eny jsme mnohdy prehnane emocne zalo�en�. M�me neust�le nutk�n� neco re�it, prom��let ci porovn�vat. Proto�e nesn��m pran� �pinav�ho pr�dla na verejnosti, budu d�le pou��t dvojici K�va a Chai s t�m, �e ka�d� necht si v tom najde svoji ,,k�vu'' a ,,chai''. 

V ekonomice se tomu r�k� N�klady obetovan� pr�le�itosti. Re�lne to vypad� nejak takto:

Nekolik let pijete kafe. M�te r�di chut k�vy, jej� vuni i atmosf�ru, kter� se k n� v�e. Kdy� m�te te�k� den, pomy�len� na k�vu je to, co v�s nakopne. Kdy� si potom k�vu konecne d�te, uvedom�te si, jakou jste meli pravdu. K�va je proste skvel�. 

Jen�e doba se men� a na trh (i k n�m do CR) se dostane Chai Latt�. Chai Latt� nem� s k�vou nic spolecn�ho. Je to hromada bylinek, kter� je ale tak vyj�mecn�, �e ji zacnete s k�vou str�dat. Chai je neco nov�ho, sve��ho, neco, co u� od k�vy nemu�ete ocek�vat. I presto, �e existuje pouto mezi k�vou a v�mi, kter� tady bylo u� v dobe, kdy Chai Latt� tahalo pomysln�ho kacera. Zprvu tedy vymen�te ��lek k�vy za ��lek Chai Latt� s t�m, �e u�itek je stejn�. 

Jednoho dne ale zacnete kombinovat �kolu s prac�, voln� cas s pr�teli a na k�vu i Chai nezbyde cas ani pen�ze. Na k�vu jste por�d zvykl�, kdy� ji okolo c�t�te, v�te, �e tady je svet je�te v por�dku. Ale kdy� v�m nekdo nab�dne Chai Latt�, nemu�ete odm�tnout. 

Kdy� se rozhodnete zustat u k�vy, bude v�m chybet Chai Latt�, proto�e m� vet�� koule ne� k�va. Ale vyka�lat se na k�vu? To je jako vyhodit nejobl�benej�� boty, kter� u� ale nenos�te, do popelnice. Tak�e co?

A ted mi reknete jedno -  Kter� z redaktoru n�m v pr�t�m c�sle pomu�e rozseknout tohle dilema?

P.S Aplikujte probl�m na cokoliv - na �ivotn� ci ne�ivotn� bytosti a statky 

*We have all been there

You have an amazing idea but something random will change your mind and Plan A to a Plan B. My plan was clear - To write a post, super funny one, about my dirty little habits. Well, then Plan B came along. 

There are many comments about blogger out there. My favourite one is about devils without soul and emotions. Something like Anna Wintour is our Lucifer and we are her slaves from hell. 

I won't be talking for others but myself. I am the Karol and the Emotions Factory. Yesterday's goddess of Reality visit is related to that. Magazines, web and blogs are full of tips of any kind. How to get the best friend, How to be successful, How to lose 20 kgs, How to date etc. But honestly, where is the most important tip of all time - How to decide effectively without pulling your hair out? Let's be honest here, women are often too emotional lost in thought. Because I do not say anything private on public I will be using this pair - ,,coffee'' and ,,chai latte''. Please imagine anything what suits your situation better. 

So, economy defines this problem as the Opportunity Costs. In reality it looks like this:

You love coffe and you have been drinking coffee for years. You love the way it smells, tastes and you love the coffee atmosphere too. If your day sucks, coffee makes it better no matter what. Nothing can ever be between your cup of coffee and you. But hey, after years when a market grows bigger, new and great things are coming with it. For example Chai Latt�. Chai Latt� is new, fresh and soo tempting. Even you know it can not be compared with a coffee because its a bunch of tasty herbs, you need it in your life. Its something different, something, what coffee does not offer anymore. First you drink coffee four times a week and Chai Latt� three times a week. Same benefit, same you. 

But after a while, time flies. You need to go to school, work, visit some frinds and have some time for yourself. You can not have coffee and Chai Latt� anymore. So now what. You are willing to say goodbye to coffee only because you are pampered by Chai Latt� which is not boring or you calmly break up with Chai Latt� because there is only one coffee in the world? This or that you are going to lose something, at least a little bit. 

So what the hell now. Editors please, be helpful and give us some advice. 

P.S Feel free to apply this model on anything you want. No matter you have a problem with people, animals or material things. 


What I'm wearing  

MANGO jumper ; MANGO leather skirt ; ASOS over the knee boots ; ZARA the most favourite bag 


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