
pohlav�. Ted nemysl�m zmenu, ale prohozen�. 

Nach�z�me se v 21. stolet�, v dobe, kdy je skoro v�e mo�n�. Veci, kter� jsou dnes mo�n�, byly je�te pred p�r lety nere�ln�. Zaj�malo by me, kam se tedy veda posune treba do roku 2050.

A to se dost�v�me k tomu, co mi prijde zaj�mav�. Kdybyste meli mo�nost, st�t se na den klukem nebo holkou, �li byste do toho? 

J� tedy urcite. Denne prem��l�m nad t�m, co se chlapum doopravdy hon� hlavou. Jestli veci, kter� delaj�, delaj� opravdu nechtene a nebo naschv�l. Jestli opravdu dok�� na nic nemyslet. A co si budeme pov�dat, anatomick� veci by tak� nebyly na �kodu. Ch�pete, jen tak, pro zaj�mavost.

Co byste za 24 hodin v ku�i sv�ho protej�ku chteli vyzkou�et vy ? 


exchange. Not thinking of change but exchange. 

We live in 21th century, many crazy things are possible lately. Things which used to be impossible just few years ago. Let's think about year 2050 and its science. 

And here we go - if there was a possibility to be a man or a woman for a day, would you try it?

Yes I would. Definitely. Wondering everyday what men really think about. If all these stuff they do by accident are really accidental or plotted. Is there such thing as thinking of nothing? And let's be honest, anatomy sounds interesting too, right? You know, just for fun. To be smarter. 

So if you had 24h for being an another gender, what would you try first? 

What I'm wearing 

ZARA kimono blouse ; MISS SELFRIDGE skirt ; CONVERSE trainers ; MARC BY MARC JACOBS bag 


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