Nov� boty
Neco, co je v�dy bolestivej�� ne� prvn� rozchod, kter�m projdete kdy� je v�m asi tak 16.
Narazit na por�dn� ko�en� boty, kter� by odpov�daly m�m predstav�m je v�dy mission impossible. Proto je vet�ina m�ch p�ru bot (cti: 50) v ko�ence nebo l�tce.
Na tyto unik�tn� botky jsem narazila zcela n�hodou, kdy� jsem (ne)nakupovala online. 30% behem n�kupn�ho Mango v�kendu me presvedcilo a tyhle minimalistick� krasotinky mi zdob� botn�k.
Ted k veci. Po prvn�m dni no�en� je mi zcela jasn�, proc je vet�ina pomucek na sado-maso v ku�i. Bolest, odren� noha a modriny. Zmasakrovan� mal�cek a zatat� zuby. Po mucen� ale prich�z� slibovan� slast. Boty se o milimetr nat�hly a jsou nositeln�. Je�te p�r divok�ch c�sel ve spolupr�ci s dla�ebn�mi kostkami v Ostrave a budou to papuce do pr�ce.
*New shoes
Something, what's more painful than your first high school breakup.
To find an amazing pair of leather boots is always a tough nut to crack for me. I'm weirdo, ain't I. Because of that most of pairs of mine (read 50) are made from imitation or fabric.
I bumped into these beauties by luck while (not) shopping on Mango website. Their 30% off due to shopping weekend has persuated me and I call this my golden treasure.
Cute to the chase - after first day of wearing I definitely know why all the masochists need leather stuff. Pain, bruise and grazed leg. Devastated little toe and gritted teeth. There comes a pleasure after torture. Shoes are 1 milimeter spread and wearable. Only few more wild wild acts in collaboration with Ostrava paving blocks and it'll be mine work slippers.
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