La petit conversation

nebo tak� po ostravsky LaPeCo ci U Belgicana je �tuln� mal� bistro, kter� v Ostrave musel zkusit snad ka�d�. Menu je v podstate st�le stejn� a st�le stejne obl�ben�. Mezi nejobl�benej�� kousky patr� Davidova dom�c� sekan� s d�belsky dobrou om�ckou, kterou sn� i zarputil� diet�ci a menu s marinovan�m hovez�m Pastrami (na fotk�ch). Na v�ber m�te ale i dal�� francouzsk� pochoutky v�dy ve forme bagety, panini nebo sal�tu.

Pokud jste rann� pt�cata, mu�ete se zastavit i na sn�dane. Kdo by taky odolal cerstv�mu croissantu, �e? Pokud jste naopak obedov�, zaskocte na obedov� menu. Ka�d� den je samozrejme jin� a jeho souc�st� jsou vynikaj�c� pol�vky.

Tip: Chce to sledovat Facebook str�nky, proto�e jednou za cas pod�vaj� tradicn� Moules Frites, o kter� se z�kazn�c� predh�n�. rezervace v tomto pr�pade nutn�.

Pokud je �aludek napapan�, ale oci by por�d chtely, doporucuju jednoznacne belgick� vafle.

M�stecek je v LaPeCu st�le pram�lo, co� udr�uje m�stn� atmosf�ru, ale doporucuji si pred n�v�tevou zavolat o rezervaci. St�t ve dver�ch a slintat nad j�dly ostatn�ch byste toti� urcite nechteli. To kdy�tak radeji a� nad t�m sv�m.

P.S. LaPeCo je (pokud nem�te notorick�ho zlobivce) dog friendly !

Na z�ver u� snad dodat jen to, �e La Petit je i po velmi �spe�n�ch letech na stejn�m m�ste. Proc to tak� menit. Nejlep�� m�sta jsou tvorena l�skou, ne touhou po  vet��m a vet��m zisku. 

*La Petit Conversation

or more commonly LaPeCo or Belgian is a small bistro in Ostrava city centre which must be known all among czech people. Menu a la carte is still the same but just as favourite. The best food here is David's homemade meatloaf or marinated beef Pastrami (both in the pictures). Of course all the other french things are equally good but I'm talking about bestsellers. Practically all types of menu can be made as panini, baguette or salad version which means everybody is able to choose. 

If you get up early go and try their breakfast, you wouldn't say no to fresh croissant, would you. On the other hand if you are a lunch person, you can try one of their lunch menu which offers an amazing soup and salad/panini or baguette.

Tip: If you love traditional moules frites, check LaPeCo facebook page when they're going to serve them. Once this day is out you better be sure you have a reservation. 

After lunch or dinner when your tummy is quite full but your eyes want more, go for Belgian waffles! 

LaPeCo is small so don't expect many tables. Its size makes the atmosphere real and cosy. After many successful years, its still on the same place so no need to get bigger. 

What can I say - the greatest places are created from love not from desire for money. 

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