
je muj obl�ben� materi�l. Nen� sice nejpraktictej�� (zkuste si ji vyprat...) ani nejlevnej�� (mus�m rozb�t hodne ko�en�ch pras�tek), ale udel� v�m slu�bu na nekolik let dopredu. Nejl�pe pokud si vyberete jednoduch� kousek, kter� se d� nosit na mnoho zpusobu. Obycejnou �ckovou sukni, por�dnou kabelu nebo nest�rnouc� ko�enou bundu. 

Pak u� ka�d� zm�nen� kousek stac� doladit b�l�m trickem a jin�mi nen�padn�mi kousky a mu�ete vyj�t do ulic. Nebo tancit v de�ti jako j�. 


is my favourite. It's not the most practical (try to wash it...) or the cheapest (have to break many leather piggy banks) but it will serve you very well. Especially when you choose something versatile like A-line skirt, big leather bag or jacket. 

After that, you can wear a white tee with other classy pieces and go out. Or just dancing in the rain like me. 

What I'm wearing 

ZARA t-shirt ; MANGO skirt ; MANGO bag ; RIVER ISLAND sandals 

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