Zkratme to 

casto nen� dobr� veci pr�li� protahovat a to jak�koliv. At u� ucen�, povinnosti v pr�ci, kontrola u doktora dokonce i fitness centra. O oblecen� to plat� taky. A v l�te dvojn�sob. V techto vedrech skoro trojn�sob. Jak na to ?

Samozrejme lze zkr�tit sukne - ze zimn�ch ,,midi'' hop na ,,mini'', z culottes na �ortky. Co kdy� ale milujete d��ny a nechcete se jich vzd�t? Zkratte i ty. Leto�n� rok preje odhalen�m kotn�kum a nic nebude v�ce chic ne� 7/8 d��ny roz��ren� m�rne do zvonu. 

Je to sice hodne retro tah na branku, ale jakmile to jednou zkus�te u� se toho nezbav�te. Verte mi. 

P.S kdy� takov� d��ny nav�c por�d�te za 10 liber ... co v�c si pr�t, no ne?

*Let's make it short

because often it's not good to prolong things. No matter we talking about school or work duty, check-up or even gym. And clothing makes no difference and it holds true in summer twice. During these super hot days maybe three times higher. How to work this out?

Naturally, you can make your skirt shorter - from winter ,,midi'' to summer ,,mini'', switch on high waist shorts from culottes. But what if you looove jeans? Make them shorter too. There is no better time then this time. Bet on ankle lenght with a small flare which might be a bit too retro but once you try you will never want to stop. 

P.S imagine you find these jeans for 10 pounds ... nothing more to wish for, right? 

What I'm wearing 

ZARA blouse ; TOPSHOP jeans ; MANGO sandals ; H&M bag 

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