Tropick� vzor

stra�ne frc�. Alespon to v�ude p�ou. Podle leto�n�ch trendu bychom meli nosit papou�ky, palmy a hodne kytek. 

Rozhodne nic pro me. Strakat� veci nejsou nic pro me. Ale ... Nikdy ner�kej nikdy, �e. Tyhle �aty jsem si zkou�ela o pauze v pr�ci, kdy� nebylo ,,do ceho p�chnout'' - zn�te to, takov� to ,,hele, j� to zkus�m at je prdel sranda. Ale nesmej se''. Pak to zkus�te, dvakr�t se v tom otoc�te a uvedom�te si, �e to vlastne nen� a� tak zl�. �e to vubec nen� zl�. �e je to vlastne docela hezk�. A pr�jemn�. A u� to nesete v t� ta�ce.

P.S Orsay rozjel e-shop, �aty mu�ete koupit tady

*Tropical print

is on point they say. At least magazines say. According to this year trend guide we should be wearing parrots, palms and flowers all over our bodies. 

Nothing for me I guess. Hate motley stuff. But ... never say never, right. This dress was such an accident. While I was having break at work I was like ,,I'm gonna try this dress just for fun. Don't mock''. 

You all know how this story always ends. You try, you turn around twice, tell yourself it could be much worse. Honestly its quite good. Very good. And you end up carrying shopping bag. 

P.S who would have ever thought you can look juicy in dress like this.

What I'm wearing 

ORSAY dress ; MANGO shoes ; ALDO bag

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