21. stolet�

je stolet�m behu. Nic se nestalo tak ,,in'' - samozrejme krome svetozn�m�ch squats - jako beh. Beh je zdrav�, beh je sexy a taky cool.

Fajn, ale co v�m u� nikdo nerekne?

1) �e mus�te m�t kde behat. Be��c� p�s je ostuda, mu�ete prece behat venku. Fajn, pokud m�m vedle domu Central park, bydl�m v L.A nebo nekde, kde je hromada parku ci luk, ch�pu. Co ale lidi, kter� jsou obklopeni hlavn�mi cestami s tramvajemi, autobusy atd. Ruku na srdce, kdo by v 5 r�no vstal a jel tramvaj� nekde do parku .... A d�chat ty zplodiny z cerstve rozta�en�ch plic? ... Beh je zdrav�....

2) �e v�s 6x klepne pepka, ne� si zvyknete. Nen� to tak, �e se hecnete, vybehnete a za 60 minut m�te svuj prvn� maraton. Bohu�el 

3) �e ne ka�d� vypad� tak sexy jako holky na instagramu. Nev�m jak vy, ale ze me potem leze samo peklo zat�mco mi na obliceji bubl� sopecn� l�va

4) �e v�s to taky nemus� vubec bavit. Tak jako me. J� si vy�lapu sv�ch 100 pater na simul�toru schodu. Ale nechtejte po me obehnout okoln� domy. 

Jak jste na tom s behem vy? Beh�te nebo prenech�v�te �tafetu jin�m?

*21th century

is all about running. Nothing is as cool as running (but squats indeed). Running is sexy, its healthy and very cool

Damn right, but there must be something more they are not telling us. 

1) There must be a nice place to run around. Running at a gym is insane, you can run outside right? Well, of course, if you live near by Central Park, in L.A or around mountains, lake and fields. But try to run in the middle of busy city, avoid cars and trams. And don't forget - breath that fresh city air. Right?

2) You will proly get a heartattack 6 times before you get used to it. Unfortunately its not like you're going out, running for an hour and celebrating your very first marathon. Pity

3) Not everyone is as sexy as girls on Instagram. Don't know how you look at a gym but I'm sweating hell out of me while a volcano is exploding on my face.

4) That you even don't have to like running. Just like me. I do my 100 floors on stairs simulator but don't make me run. Never. Ever 

So, what do you think about running? Is it your thing?

Something to pump up your sexappeal

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