Chce� to?

be� a vezmi si to. Ka�d� m�me sny, i j� je mela a m�m. Chtela jsem b�t blond�na, check - chtela jsem m�t blog - check, chtela jsem ��t akcn� �ivot - check. Na nejvet�� sen ale cas ani prostor nezb�v� - cestov�n�. Jednou k nemu cichnete a u� nemu�ete jinak. Ten pocit svobody v�m u� nikdo nevezme. Jste v cel�m velk�m svete sami za sebe. M�te volnou ruku pri v�beru zeme, aktivit aj.

Fotky, kter� jsme s Laurou fotila u Doln�ch V�tkovic mi opet uk�zaly, jak je svet velk� a jak m�lo jsem z nej videla. Myslete na to, �e je svet mnohem jednodu��� ne� jak� ho meli na�i rodice a jejich rodice. V�e je rychlej��, bezpecnej�� a snaz��. Proto pokud m�te nejak� sen, be�te za n�m. Bez z�itku jsem toti� chud� bez ohledu na to, kolik penez (a hader i bot) m�me.

P.S. Tahle bluza je super, odhalen� ramena jsou to nejv�ce sexy co letos pril�kalo mou pozornost.

*You want it?

Go and get it. Everyone has dreams, me included. I wanted to be blonde, check - I wanted to be a blogger, done - want a crazy lifestyle, hell done. But there is no time and space for the biggest dream of all - traveling. I want to travel so bad you can't even imagine. Once you tried you can't do otherwise. That feeling of freedom is priceless and no one can take it from you. You are all alone in this world. Feel free to choose a country you like, activity you wanna do etc. 

Pictures which Laura was taking make me feel so tiny tiny in comparison to this big world. It makes me realize I have seen so little of it. And I want more. It's my obsession, my dream, my lifestyle. Our parents and their parents had worse possibility to realize their dreams. Now, everything is easier, cheaper and faster. If you have your dream, go and get it. Without experience we are the poorest no matter all money we have or clothes we wear. 

P.S this blouse is so on point, naked shoulders never feel so sexy.

What I'm wearing

MOTIVI blouse ; MANGO jeans ; PROMOD shoes ; MANGO bag

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