
jsou super. Ale nemu�ete na ne m�t n�ladu v�dy. V�ichni kolem v�s jen r�kaj�, �e bez barev je nuda a naopak nen� jaro/l�to. D�my, podle me jsou to kecy. Jasne, barvy v�s rozz�r�, zmen� d��ny, kter� u� m�te des�ty rok na neco stra�ne chic, ale v�echno dobr� se jednou prej�. 

Osobne si mysl�m, �e zaj�mav� kab�tek, pruhovan� top a jemne otrhan� d��ny v klasick� modr� udelaj� sv�. Jednou mu�ete nechat zaz�rit taky sebe, ne jen va�e svr�ky. Co?


are awesome. Not saying they're not. But hey, you can't be in a mood for colours everyday - even though people around you're saying being colourless is boring. Ladies, bunch of crap. Colours make you happier, indeed, colours make your ten years old jeans look chic but everything good ends one day. 

Personally, an interesting coat, classy tee in stripes and slightly ripped jeans make all the magic as well. Let yourself shine too, not only your overgarment.

What I'm wearing 

MISS SELFRIDGE coat ; H&M basic top ; ZARA jeans ; H&M espadrilles ; ZARA bag

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