Ka�d� je chce

Kr�sn�, d�vc�, b�l� �aty - nejl�pe se vzorem krajky. Obchodu jich je plno, d� se vybrat z ruzn�ch d�lek i typu. Proc je tak te�k� je sehnat?

Proto�e ne ka�d� je ochotn� zaplatit za �aty 2000. A tady ta legrace zac�n�. Zara - m� je, Mango - m� je, Topshop - takt�. Ceny - 1299 za mini mini�aty a 2000 za nejak� slu�n�. Fajn. D�ky. O to lehc� v�ber, proste je m�t nebudu. 

Pak - jak u� to tak b�v�, n�hodou - jsem na�la tyto a pod 1000. Koho zaj�m�, �e se po vypr�n� srazily, �e (ok trochu me, ale nic, co by p�r hodin ve fitku nevy�ehlilo).

I kdy� na �aty moc nejsem, tyhle jsem si obl�bila rychle. Co vy, m�te u� nejak� sv�?

*Everybody wants it

Beautiful, girly, white dress preferable in lace. Stores are full of them, you can choose any lenght or shape you want to. So where is the problem? Is there any?

Yep - only if you are willing to pay 100 euros for chain retailer seasonal dress. Here is where the real fun begins. Zara - got it, Mango - got it, Topshop - indeed. Prices - start on 50 euros and end somewhere around 100. Great, thank you a lot, you have just made it much easier for me. I just will not have it. 

But then, as usual, I have found this one and under 40 euros. Thanks God. Who even cares about shrinking after washing (actually I do but nothing what few hours in a gym won't fix).

Even I usually don't wear dress, I need to wear this more often. What do you think about this kind of dress, do you have one?

What I'm wearing 

ZARA dress ; MANGO jacket ; TOPSHOP shoes ; ZARA bag

Buy similar

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