Ka�d� barva

je pro me spjata s nejak�m n�rodem. Nev�m, co to m�m za �chylku, ale je to tak. Jasne, zelen� je barva Irska, to asi nemus�me b�t rocket scientists, aby n�m to do�lo. Jak je to ale d�le?

Cern� se hod� k nemcum, kter� na me pusob� z nejak�ho duvodu chladne, b�l� nejv�ce sed� rekum, proto�e tak vyniknou jejich ji�ansk� rysy. 

No a pak je tady cerven�. Divok� a pekne v�niv� - hotov� �panelsko. Cerven� podle me kr�sne podtrhnuje energii a z�pal pro �ivot, pro v�echno. At u� na sebe hod�te cokoliv, cerven� a jak�koliv jej� odst�n proz�r� nejen v� outfit, ale i den. A� si r�k�m, �e bych ji mela nosit casteji.

*Every colour

is connected to one country to me. Don't know where this deviation comes from but I feel it this way. Of course, green means Ireland, you don't have to be a rocket scientist to know that. But other colours?

To me, black goes to germans because they look a bit impassively (no offence), white looks the best on greeks with their southern features.

And then red. Red is wild and passionate - just like Spain itself. Red feels like energy, like an enthusiasm for life, for everything. No matter what you're wearing right now but with a touch of red it's going to be shiny and hot. I feel so good in red than I should be wearing it more often. 

What I'm Wearing

ZARA blouse ; MISS SELFRIDGE skirt ; MANGO bag ; TOPSHOP shoes


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