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Mus� (mel by) je re�it ka�d� z n�s. V dne�n� dobe je to s nimi ale te�k�. Zaprv� jeden fakt - �spory sni�uj� v�konnost ekonomiky. Za druh� - clovek je obklopen casopisy, obchody a jin�mi l�kadly. Je to jako odevn� minov� pole. Mu�e� b�t opatrn� jak chce�, ale nikdy nev�, na co naraz�.
Ve v�sledku to vypad� (alespon u me) takto: koup� - otoc� - koup�. V m� hlave to jsou �spory z obehu.
Zase si nemyslete, je treba m�t urcit� rezervy. Hlavne pokud se v�m doma v�echno kaz� (jako me). Dovol�m si ale jedno prirovnan� - ,,Nen� lep�� j�st casteji po mal�ch porc�ch, ne� najednou vyluxovat celou lednicku?''
Everybody deals (or should) with them. Honestly, it's not easy in these days. Firstly one thing - savings slow economy down. Secondly - people are surrounded by magazines, shopping centre and any other lures. It's like a fashion minefield. No matter how careful you are, you never know what you'll find.
In the end it looks like this (works for me): buy - sell - buy. I call it the economies of circulation.
On the other hand, you need to set something aside. Especially when everything at home is falling into pieces.
Let me say something in comparison: ,,Isn't it better to eat little and often than go and be sucking out fridge from bottom to top?''
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