Pravidla ro�t�rny
Vysvetl�m v�m, v cem tato pravidla spoc�vaj�. Ulehceme si to pr�kladem. V d�lne Chlo� sed� zrucn� clovek a neco si soustredene kresl�. Nebudeme zach�zet do detailu a prejdeme k v�robe. Pecliv� v�ber materi�lu, detailu, proste precizn� pr�ce. V�sledkem je kabelka Drew za cca 1000 euro.
Kabelky od svetov�ch designeru neberu jako v�strelek, ale jako neco, co v�m vydr��, udel� slu�bu i radost. Je to neco, co symbolizuje va�e rozhodnut� a postoj. A taky luxus. Podot�k�m, �e tzv. ,,m�m na to'' logo nen� vubec znakem luxusu. Kabelku mu�ete m�t a nikdo o tom nemus� vedet. V tomto cl�nku tedy nen� pro snobstv� m�sto.
O co mi tedy jde? O ztr�tu toho v�eho v��e zm�nen�ho. Kabelku Drew si toti� koup� jedna, druh� ... p�t� a des�t�. Kabelka za 30 tis�c Kc n�hle ztr�c� smysl. Vid�te ji v�ude. Te�ce jste si na ni vydelaly a ted si r�k�te, �e jste si mohly zaj�t koupit 12 podobn�ch do Zary. Efekt by byl stejn�. Mo�n� by v�s to ve v�sledku mrzelo i o neco m�ne.
J� se proto pt�m - kam miz� onen duch znacek, ta jejich exkluzivita?
St�v� se z toho pekn� ro�t�rna.
*Rules of shenanigans
Let me explain those rules for you. For a faciliation, I use a simple example. One very skilful person is sitting at Chlo� studio and drawing something hard. I omit some details and skip to it's production. The best material, high quality leather, many nice details. Such a classy work. Many hours of work. The result? Chlo� Drew bag for approx 1000 euros. Good.
I see designer bags as something good, something, what makes you happy and what lasts for a long, long time. It works for you. It symbolizes your attitude, decision and choice. It's a luxury.
However - ,,I'm a rich b*tch'' logo doesn't have to be the most important sign. On contrarily the most expensive bags on Earth have a very small or no logo at all. Speaks for itself.
So, what am I talking about then? About the loss of everything mentioned above. One, three, five and thousand women buy Drew bag. The small piece of 1000 euros happiness keeps losing its purpose. Many of you have been saving for a bag like this for a long time and now you see it everywhere. You may be thinking about going to Zara and buy 12 another instead. Effect would be the same. It might be even less sad for you.
Now I'm asking - where is the spirit of designer stuff. Their exclusiveness?
I see a nice shenanigan.
What I'm wearing
H&M kab�t // coat ; ZARA bluza // shirt (here) ; ZARA jeans (similar) ; ZARA boty // shoes (here) ; MANGO kabelka // bag
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