MANGO kab�t //coat PULL&BEAR jeans PULL&BEAR boty // boots ASOS batoh // backpack PULL&BEAR cepice // beanie |
Moudro dne
Na zimu nen� nic lep��ho, ne� por�dn� vlnen� kab�t. Pokud ov�em nem� katastrofick� zap�n�n�, d�ky kter�mu nos�te kab�t celou zimu v zas�de odepnut� nebo prichycen� rukou. Nutno dodat, �e pak pod nej rozhodne vubec nefouk�, tak�e to vlnen� slo�en� je v�m velmi platn�.
I tak je ale pekn�. A to se vyplat�. No ne?
*Today's wisdom
There is nothing better than a wool coat in winter. Unless it has a catastrophic fastening which makes that coat totally useless because you need to wear it unbuttoned or attached by your hand. Very practical while blowing outside. Thanks to this the wool composition is very useful.
Against that, it's still very nice piece of my closet. So it worth it, doesn't it.
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