Cardi it up !

Cardigan je nov� cern� 

Zima se ch�l� ke konci (nebo si to alespon preju) a bl�� se slavnostn� odhazov�n� kab�tu. Netreba si ale nalh�vat, �e na ,,holo'' to je�te nen� a dlouho nebude. 

Pokud je teplota u 10 stupnu a vy jste absolvovali ledov� plav�n� ve Vltave pro otu�ilce, nen� nic lehc�ho ne� navl�ct cardigan. 

Z pr�ce v�m, �e svetr, kter� se ned� zapnout, kdekoho na�tve. I pro takov� ale existuje re�en� - p�sek. Pokud v�m moc rozevl�t� styl nevon�, prep�sejte j�m kdykoliv cokoliv.

Pozn�mka: za kr�sn� a stylov� cardigan ani nemus�te utr�cet celou v�platu. Dokonce ani pulku. Stac� zbavit se predsudku a prosurfovat napr. Sheinside, kde je k dispozici cel� rada hezk�ch a kvalitn�ch kousku. Prestante se jednodu�e b�t, stejne se v C�ne vyr�b� v�e. 

M�m osobn�m favoritem je tento cardigan s geometrick�m vzorem - vypad� stejne jako ze Zary. Jak� se l�b� v�m?

*Cardigan is a new black 

Winter is coming to an end (or I wish it was) so it's slowly time to get rid of your coat. Don't need to delude you, temperature is still not as friendly as you please.

However, if it's 10 degrees outside and you attended swimming in a cold river like a hardy fellow, the simplest thing is to wear a cardigan. I know, I know - some of you don't like a knit which can't be buckled. Honestly, there is effective solution for that - a waist belt. Simply put your belt on anything, anytime. 

Note to yourself: beautiful and stylish cardigan doesn't have to be super expensive and cost you half of your salary. Only thing you need to do is to get rid of prejudice and check for example Sheinside where you definitely can find many cool cardigans which are quality as well. Stop being afraid of stupid things and try it. Don't have to mention that everything is made in China anyway.

My personal favourite is this geometric one - seriously looks like Zara. Which one is your favourite or wanted?

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