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Sklouben� techto dvou pojmu mu�e b�t nekdy pomerne obt�n�. A to obzvl�te v zime. Proc o tom mluv�m a jak to mysl�m?
New York, �nor 2015, sn�h, teplota pod nulou, vsad�m se, �e vetrno. Street style fotky - ko�ile, �aty, hol� nohy, sand�lky, lodicky ... Skoro si r�k�m, �e se hod� pripsat ke kreditu fotky pozn�mka ,,Nezkou�ejte doma ci bez dozoru profesion�la''.
Pointou dne je tedy ot�zka - ,,Mysl� to vubec v�ne?''
Mo�n� nemysl�, ale b�t zabalen� v necem z lonsk� kolekce je urcite m�ne prospe�n� ne� b�t ,,head to toe'' v kolekci nov�. Jen�e pokud nejsem starom�dn�, b�t bloger/redaktor/m�dn� guru/etc. znamen� motivovat a inspirovat.
Tzv. Kokosy na snehu nekoho inspiruj�? Me moc ne. Akor�t me to nut� prem��let nad praktickou str�nkou veci - ,,Jak si v tomhle sednu v nevytopen� tramvaji''?; ,,Jak tohle bude vypadat s kab�tem?''; ,,Mu�u k tomu nosit silonky?'' ,,Daj� se lodicky vymenit za kotn�kov� botky na podpatku?''
Je mi jedno, �e v kab�tu vypad�m jako medved. �e kotn�kov� boty nos�m u� 3. mes�c v kuse. �e m�m z cepice zplihl� vlasy a z ��ly po�kr�ban� krk. Je mi teplo, je mi dobre a nejsem jedin�.
No a ted si vemte, �e na cesk�ch a slovensk�ch street style str�nk�ch neust�le poburuj� hol� kotn�ky (jako ty moje). U� vid�m ty mraky fashion banu v New Yorku. #epicfail
Nev�m jak vy, ale j� v takov�ch outfitech moc upr�mnosti nevid�m. Moje obl�ben� Daniella jede vrstvy, co vy?
*Sincerity in fashion
Is it something unimaginable? It is, especially in winter. Why am I talking about this?
New York, february 2015. Snow, temperature below zero, windy. Street style pics be like - shirts, dress, skirts, bare legs and pumps. I kinda want to write a caution below the pic credit which says ,,Don't try this at home, alone or without a professional''
The point is - ,,Do they mean it?''
Maybe they don't but does the old collection look as good as the new one? I might be old-fashioned but I guess a blogger slash editor slash fashion guru slash etc. should motivate and inspire mortal people outside fashion weeks.
Does summer snow inspire you? Not me for sure. It makes me thinking ,,How does it look with a coat''; ,,Can wear tights with it?''; ,,Can I trade pumps for ankle booties?''
I don't care if I look like a bear. If my hairdo is lank because of my hat and my neck is scratched owing to a wool scarf. I don't mind wearing ankle boots only for three months and something. I don't mind as long as I'm warm, all right and not alone.
And there's one thing you don't know. Street style websites in Czech republic hate naked ankles (like mine). Can you imagine all the fashion bans in New York? #epicfail
Can't force your my opinion, but I don't see any sincerity in something like this. Lovely Daniella does layers, how about you?
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