H&M kab�t // coat (similar)

MANGO svetr // knit (similar)

MANGO kabelka // bag


TOPSHOP tenisky // kicks (here)

Jednoduch� triky

Po obdob�, kdy kombinujete ruzn� kab�ty a kotn�kov� boty, je jasn�, �e se nedostatek inspirace a energie projev�. 

J� to ka�dorocne re��m velmi jednodu�e - kecky a v�razn� kabelka. Je to pohodln�, stylov�, trochu jin� a por�d v tom bude teplo. 

Co se kabelky t�ce, nevypad�, ale triku se do n� vejde v�ce ne� dost. Pokud hled�te prostornou, ale ne vakoidn� kabelku, s�hnete po necem takov�m.

P.S - u� i Mango n�sleduje �l�peje Zary a napodobuje. Tipnete si, o co jde v tomto pr�pade?

*Simple tricks 

After months of wearing many coats and ankle boots (when everything looks almost the same), you suffer from lack of energy and inspiration.

Every year I deal with it in a similar way - kicks and bold bag. It's comfy, stylish, a bit different but still warming. 

Speaking of bag, doesn't look like but it's really full of tricks. It's very spacious. If you're looking for a bag which isn't formless, go for this one. 

P.S - even Mango does follow Zara and copies. Can you guess a copy in this post?

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