credit Negin Mirsalehi |
Pokud jde o V�noce
Krome d�rku nem�m letos nic. L�ta jsem pekla x druhu cukrov� a pak to vesele po krabic�ch vyhazovala. Letos jsem nemela cas nic takov�ho praktikovat a proto jsem r�da, �e se popelnicov� story nebude opakovat. Ohledne v�zdoby...nad televiz� m�m vl�cek se Santa Clausem a u tisk�rny zlat� retez. Sna��m se dr�et partu s aktu�ln�m pocas�m, kter� si V�noce nepripou�t�.
S c�m se ale r�da srovn�m, jsou V�nocn� slevy. Marni oxfordky jsem chtela hrozne dlouho. Netreba r�kat, �e za 12.000 byly asi tak nere�ln� jako b�l� V�noce. Pak ale prijel necekan� Je��ek Bata a posledn� p�r ve sleve mi nadelil.
Trikr�t hur� mal�m noh�m, kter� obuj� velikost 37.
*Speaking of Christmas
I have nothing but gifts this year. I've been baking douzen kinds of cookies for years and a result was half a dozen of cookies in a trash. This year I haven't got time for any of this so I'm glad there will be no other trash story. Speaking of deco - there is one Santa Claus train and gold confetti at my place. Well, just trying to support current weather which doesn't admit Christmas time at all.
Still, there's something I gladly deal with. Christmas sale. Marni oxfords have been my fav for a long time by now. Dont need to say that a pricetag was as unreal as white Christmas for me. But then, unexpected Santa Bata came and gave me one very similar pair on sale.
Thanks God for small feet in size 37.
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