Upozornen� pro v�echny: Tento cl�nek obsahuje poburuj�c� fotky

P�r dn� do V�noc, stres z krku, hladina cukru v krvi na maximu. To znamen� jedno - por�dne se pobavit a zasm�t. 

Umet si udelat legraci s�m ze sebe je toti� z�klad n�s v�ech. A bloggerek podle m�ho je�te v�ce. Uk�zat, �e fakt nejsme nic v�c ne� kdokoliv jin�. Obycejn� holky, kter� hodiny sed� u cca 236 fotek ve snaze vybrat max 10 tech, kter� se daj� prezentovat jako inspirace. 

Z 236 fotek je takov�ch asi 20, to znamen�, �e vybrat nejak�ch 10 nen� a� tak te�k�. U me jsou ty momentky nav�c por�d na jedno brdo. 

1. Foto aka ,,Zavren� oci''

2. Foto aka ,,Nekdo dule�ite vlezl do z�beru a j� m�m pln� pr�vo se n�le�ite rozc�lit''

3. Foto aka ,,Ok Kiki, uka�''

4. Foto aka ,,Je mi zima, tece mi z nosu a v�m, �e to jde videt - jsem nerv�zn�''

5. Foto aka ,,Svudn� a naprosto nevedom� p�za''

V�ce mo�nost� proste nen�. V�ber toho nejlep��ho v�m pri pondelku, na zlep�en� n�lady, prin��m o neco v��e. 

P.S. Upr�mne si mysl�m, �e fotka v cerven�m kab�tu u v�ech vyhraje na pln� c�re. 

*Be careful everyone: This article contains scandalous pictures of me 

Only few day to Christmas, no stress left, blood sugar level on max. It all means one thing - have fun and laugh loud.

Make fun of yourself should be very important for all of us. Maybe the most important thing among bloggers I think. Just to show all of you we all are ordinary women, sitting hours at our computers, looking for some decent pics from 236 of them. Honestly there are usually 20 decent inspiring pictures from 236 so it's not so hard to pick 10. For me, we're speaking of 5 basic kinds of snapshots.

1. Photo aka ,,Eyes closed'' 

2. Photo aka ,,Someone just crossed in front of lens so I'm really mad''

3. Photo aka ,,Ok, Kik, show me the result''

4. Photo aka ,,I'm cold, my nose is running - and i know it - so I'm pretty nervous''

5. Photo aka ,,Feeling so seductively - by coincidence of course'' 

That's all. You can see The best selection, Top list or The most favourite (as you please) above.

P.S. I seriously believe that the picture I'm wearing the red coat in will be your most favourite.

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