V�noce u� jsou d�vno za n�mi
a internet je zcela presycen t�m, co kdo dostal. J� toho letos dostala tolik, �e prem��l�m, jestli jsem vubec byla tak hodn�. J�dlo bylo extr�mne dobr� (mo�n� proto, �e jsem ho konecne jedla) a �aludek me bolel jen dva dny. �tedr� den se stalo klasicky plno vtipn�ch vec�, kter� nemu�u zm�nit, jeliko� mamka u� tak te�ce nese svuj ,,online'' oblicej.
Nicm�ne jej� stromecek, vypadaj�c� jako disco koule byl moc hezk�, i kdy� 4x men�� ne� m� hunat� monstrum, kvuli kter�mu jsem musela presunout su��k na pr�dlo do kuchyne. Velmi estetick�.
I pres v�echny ty kr�sy jsou zde v�ak opet veci, na kter� Je��ek zapomnel.
- teleport
- neviditeln� pl�t
- nekonecn� kabelka Hermiony Grangerov�
- boty, ze kter�ch nem�m puch�re
- samovar�c� kucharka
- neomezen� mes�cn�k na DPO
- �atna
- a 48 hodinov� den
Nezb�v� ne� doufat, ne� za rok u� se Je��ek polep��. Prozat�m velmi dekuji tomu leto�n�mu. Jak jste na tom vy? Co jste letos NEDOSTALI?
* Christmas day is way behind us
and internet is overeaten by ,,all I got for Christmas''. I've got so many things that I deeply think about my credits this year. Food was very delicious (maybe because I finaly ate it) so my stomach hurt only for two days. Christmas Eve was extremely funny as usual but I can't share any stories which happened that day cause my mum must be already furious about her face ,,online'' (sorry mum).
Anyway, I like her Christmas tree which actually looks like a disco ball even it's four times smaller than my shaggy monster. Speaking of my Christmas tree - it's so big I was forced to move a dryer into the kitchen. Very aesthetic.
Even though I've got many beautiful things there are still things I didn't get - like every year
- Teleport
- invisible coat
- Hermiona Granger bottomless handbag
- painless shoes
- cookbook which cooks by itself
- unlimited travelcard
- closet
- 48 hours day
So there is nothing but hope it'll be better next year. For now I'm very grateful for this year, all gifts and nice moments with my family. But what about you? What didnt you get?
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