WAREHOUSE kab�t // coat
ASOS batoh // backpack
��la // scarf
ZARA kalhoty // pants
MANGO boty // shoes

S hlasitost� jsem mela v�dycky probl�my 

Vet�inou o me v� v�ichni �iroko daleko. Nen� to proto, �e bych chtela b�t nejak dule�it�, ale proto, �e muj tatka byl stejne hlucn�. Jablko zrejme nepad� daleko od stromu. Kdy� u� jsme u toho, hlasitost nemus� b�t jen o decibelech. Mu�e j�t proste o vyj�dren� n�zoru, kter� nemus� b�t prijat kladne v�emi. 

Ji� nekolikr�t se mi stalo, �e hodne z v�s zm�nilo v koment�r�ch m� psan�. �e p�u vtipne, ctive a hlave - o necem. Nen� to tak, �e bych necetla jin� cesk� blogy, �e jsou holky konkurence (to je alespon pro me nesmysl), �e bych tady nekter� chtela jmenovat apod. Jen si jsem docela vedoma toho, kde je probl�m. 

Blog by mel b�t pr�nosem co se fotek t�ce, ale i co se obsahu t�ce. Jinak to proste nem� smysl. M� to b�t m�sto, ze kter�ho si m�te neco odn�st. Co si asi tak odnesete ze str�nky, kde jsou prezentov�ny ciste, s prominut�m, hadry bez my�lenky. To potom mu�e pusobit zav�dec�m dojmem, �e jsou bloggerky arogantn� slepice, kter� jen ukazuj�, co si za kolik penez zase koupily. 

Byla bych opravdu velice nerada, kdyby se takov� povedom� ��rilo d�l. Je samozrejme ka�d�ho vec, c�m svuj blog zapln� ci nezapln�, existuje svoboda slova a demokracie. Ve v�sledku bychom ale v�echny mely myslet na to, �e to, co del�me, del�me pro v�s, cten�re. 

Co je podle v�s kl�cov� znak dobr� - kvalitn� bloggerky? 

*I'm simply too loud sometimes

Everybody knows about me. It's not because I want to be important or cocky, it's simply because of my dad who was very loud too. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree. Speaking of this, volume doesn't have to be always about decibels. It's the same with an opinion which doesn't have to be accepted by everyone. 

Time to time someone of my readers leaves me a sweet comment about my blog's content. You mostly think I write wittily, grippingly and about something. It's not like I don't write any blogs or I think all bloggers are my enemies so I want to name them or slander them. No, I just know where the problem is. 

A blog should bring a benefit with pics but with content as well. Otherwise its useless. It should be a place where you can find something valuable. What can you possible take from nothing but pics? Then it can be a bit misleading and looks like every blogger is an arrogant goose who shows her everyday and expensive purchase.

I would be very sad if this kept spreading. The blog content is everybody's choice. There is no rules, freedom of speech and democracy so as you please. But in the end we all need to think about you, readers and about your needs. Cause all we do, we do for you. 

So, what's the main criteria of a successful and quality blogger for you?

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