ZARA svetr, kalhoty // knit and trousers
MANGO boty // shoes
ASOS batoh // backpack

S rozparky je sranda

At u� chten� ci nechten�. Takov� rozparek je zapeklit� vec. Um� vyklouzlit z obycejn�ho svetru super kousek a z perfektn� sukne nebezpecnou zbran. Presne proto si mysl�m, �e je treba s n�m zach�zet v rukavick�ch. Nikdy toti� nev�te, kdy se postav� proti v�m. To teda plat� hlavne u zm�nen� sukne - moment, kdy se predklon�te pro spadl� veci a v�ichni vid�, �e jste si m�sto sexy spodn�ho pr�dla vzaly pohodln� ,,gatky'' s ma�lickou. 

To by bylo z toho vtipnej��ho �upl�ku. Z �upl�ku ,,rady'' vylov�m n�zor, �e pokud clovek nechce prem��let nad t�m, co na sebe, rozparek poslou�� jako detail, kter� kric� ,,ta to mela vymy�len� do posledn�ho detailu''. A to prece chceme ka�d�. No ne?

*It's fun with slits

Either you want to or don't. It's kinda tricky thing these slits. It can conjure up a wonderful piece from your boring knit or a bit dangerous weapon from your all time fav skirt. This is exactly the reason I think you should be careful when using it. You never know when it oposses you. Especially talking about that skirt - a moment, you need to pick something up from a ground and everyone sees you're not wearing sexy panties but hyper comfy knickers with a ribbon. 

So that would be all from the ,,funny drawer'' let's move to ''full of advice''kind of a drawer. If you are lazy enough to think about wearing something really cool, put a slit on. It will be screaming ,,she was totally thinking about every single detail of this outfit, you bet''. And that's what we all want, right?

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