Ot�zky a odpovedi

V posledn�ch dnech se mi tady kup� kr�sn� komplimenty od v�s v�ech. Blog jsem si nezalo�ila proto, abych byla zaj�mav� a hvezdn�. Realizovala jsem t�m sv� hobby. To, �e se stal m�stem, kter� mnoho z v�s inspiruje, je obrovsk� odmena (a pote�en�) za pr�ci, kterou Kik a j� odv�d�me.

Proto�e na giveaway ted nem�m moc cas, ,,venuji'' cl�nek jen va�im zvedav�m dotazum. 

Pokud na va�i ot�zku neodpov�m a neuverejn�m ji, neznamen� to, �e jsem hloup� arogantn� kr�va, ale �e mi v� dotaz pri�el nevhodn�, ur�liv� a nem�stn�. Zachovejme se proto pros�m jako lid� a udelejme z tohoto pr�spevku diskuzi, kter� bude m�t hlavu a patu. 

Kdy� m�te i presto na jazyku palciv� slova, vytisknete si pros�m tuto fotku, poveste si ji na dvere a h�zejte na n� vejce ci rajcata dle libosti. 

Na zbytek dotazu se moc te��m a preji hezkou sobotu

*Questions and answers

I've received lot of nice words from all of you these days. I've created this blog to make my hobby a bit material not to become a megastar or famous smug girl. A fact it's become a place where many of you can find an inspiration is such an honor and prize for hard work. 

Because I have no time to do a giveaway, you need to be satisfied with this curious post. 

If I don't respond or publish your question, it doesn't mean i'm stupid arrogant bitch but your query was simply offensive, nonsense or inappropriate. Please, let's stay humans and make this post pleasant and interesting. 

If you still want to say something mean, feel free to print this pic and use it as a target on your door. You can use how many egg or tomatoes as you please.

For the rest of you, I can't wait for your questions. Have a lovely saturday peeps.

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