H&M STUDIO FALL 14 svetr // knit
H&M TREND sukne // skirt
URBAN OUTFITTERS kabelka // bag
HUMANIC boty // shoes

Kdy� je v� svetr asi tak 3x vet�� ne� vy...

... pojmenujete slo�ku s fotkama #gigavelk�khakisvetr - abyste na tu slo�ku n�hodou nezapomneli. Pak si svetr inteligentne vezmete do televize, kter� prid�v� je�te asi 15 kilo nahoru a d�lo je dokon�no. Hlavne, �e je v�m v tom obchod�ku pred kamerama teplo - svetr je samozrejme z vlny a vy se proto pot�te jako prase proste hodne. 

Na druhou stranu je v�m v nem teplo i venku, kdy� jsou asi 3 stupne a v�ichni kolem v�s chod� omotan� od hlavy a� k pate. Hlavne �e pulka mesta, ve kter�m �ijete, videla v� hlubok� dekolt a mohla se tak ujistit, �e opravdu nem�te umel� prsa. A pokud si toho venku nikdo nev�iml, m�te zajist� nejlep�� kamar�dku, kter� to nezapomene u videa na Facebooku zm�nit. Jen tak pro jistotu prid� je�te stop�.

A i presto v�echno m�te ten svetr vlastne tak nejak moc r�di. Hlavne proto, �e to byla jedin� vec, kter� po va�em pr�jezdu do Prahy v H&M zbyla. 

To, �e v nem vypad�te jako ledn� medved je #collateraldamage.

*When your knit is three times bigger than you ...

... just name a folder with pics #gigabigkhakiknit - in case you're about to forget about it. Then you put that knit on for a fashion show filming cause TV only makes you even more fat than you actually are. At least you're warm - in a building, in front of a camera and lights so you're just sweating like a pig so much.

On the other hand you're warm outside too even it's about 3�C and everyone around you is wrapped head to toe - you can be sure everyone's looking at you but thanks to your cleavage it's finally obvious your boobs are real. Which you are glad to assure the whole town you live in of it. But if nobody noticed that day, don't worry, there is still you best friend who would comment on the video on Facebook and add time to an incriminated scene. Just to be sure. 

Nevertheless, you still kinda love this knit a lot. Maybe because it was the last thing which has left for you in H&M last time you were in Prague. Definitely because of it. Dammit.

No one cares you look like a polar bear. It's an ordinary #collateraldamage.

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