Ve svete,
kde je tolik mo�nost�, je te�k� naj�t jeden kab�t a boty? Pocet obchodu nelze spoc�tat na prstech a mno�stv� jejich oblecen� ani z hlavy. Z fleku me napadne H&M, Zara, River Island, Asos, Topshop, New Look, Promod a mnoho, mnoho dal��ch. Proc o tom mluv�m?
Dala jsem si jednoduch� c�l - koupit si za mes�c pouh� dve veci. Svetl� kab�t, kter� me nebude st�t celou v�platu a boty, kter� odpov�daj� m�mu obr�zku v hlave. Jde videt, �e ve sv�ch 23 letech jsem st�le velmi naivn�. Pro predstavu - c�l byl vytycen v listopadu. Boty a kab�t pri�ly dva dny zpet. Zaj�mav� je, �e kdy� nakupuju nepl�novane (a bez penez), l�b� se mi v�e. Probl�m nast�v� a� v okam�iku, kdy chci neco konkr�tn�ho (a m�m pen�ze).
Pochybuju, �e m�m takov� probl�m jedin�. Z�kaznice maj� treba probl�m sehnat hezkou cernou sukni - to u� snad ani nen� mo�n�, nebo je?!
Our world
is amazing and huge. So I'm asking you - why is it so hard to find a coat and shoes you want? We can't even remember all of the shops or count their stock units. Short list of shops which are crossing my mind right now - H&M, Zara, River Island, Asos, Topshop, New Look, Promod and more. Why am I talking about this?
Because I had a dream/objective - to buy two important pieces in one month - beige coat and nice pair of versatile boots (preferably not black). I have set this objective in November and these two things arrived two days ago...I simply was not able to find anything. Interesting fact is I have no problem with shopping. I always find something good when not searching anything at all (and also when I'm broke). From the other side when I need something, whole fashion world is after apocalypse.
However, I'm not the only one because our customers look for a nice black skirt everyday - to not find such a things is almost impossible yet still true.
RIVER ISLAND coat and shoes (sale) ; LINDEX jumper (sale) ; RIVER ISLAND bag (new collection) ; ZARA hat (sale) ; ZARA jeans (pretty old)
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