bych se stydet. Nechat v�s bez pr�spevku asi 14 dn�? To se je�te nikdy nestalo. Samozrejme duvody jsou jasn� a nebudu v�s s nimi dlouze nudit (ch�pete - �kola, pr�ce, doma binec a netrpeliv� �tene). Tak jako tak douf�m, �e jste na me nezanevreli a d�te mi �anci to zmenit k lep��mu. Mo�n� ne �plne hned, proto�e je tma asi tak ve tri hodiny odpoledne a to je doba, kdy obvykle behem volna vst�v�m. Ne del�m si srandu. Zkou�kov� obdob� je samozrejme n�rocn� a j� se mu potrebuji venovat co nejv�ce, abych tu pro v�s mohla b�t co nejdr�ve.
Nebo taky mu�u povesit remeslo na hreb�k pokud nikomu nechyb�m. Dejte rozhodne vedet.
Jak mimochodem zvl�d�te V�nocn� shon vy?
*Oh guys
I was so mia these days. I mean - 14 days? Is this even real? This has never happened to me before so I am very sorry. Reasons are obvious so I do not have to talk about them much (school, school, school and work, home etc. you know that drill). This or that I hope you can give me a chance to make things right. Not right now but as soon as possible. I need to finish all my hell of a hard exams to be with you in no time.
Or I can also quit the blog, should I? Let me know.
Btw - how are you doing with all these Christmas duties.
What I'm wearing
MANGO coat ; MANGO jumper ; H&M girlfriend jeans ; MANGO shoes and bag ; H&M old hat
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