Zn�te to
kdy� sv�t� v zime slun�cko a vy m�te automaticky pocit, �e mus� b�t teplo? Tak to se stalo me. Teplo ale ledov� v�tr. Chv�la Bohu za vylo�ene n�hodne por�zen� ko��ek z F&F, kter� jsem ve sleve por�dila za sme�n� pen�z. D�ky nemu bylo venkovn� pocas� snesiteln� (a ledviny prohr�t�). I tak jsem ale mela pri poryvech vetru chut se do ko�ichu zabalit cel� a jako chlupat� koule se rychle odkut�let nekam do tepla.
Tem, kter� maj� hus� ku�i u� jen pri pohledu na m� odhalen� kusy stehen, se omlouv�m. Na mou obranu - nejv�ce tepla odch�z� z hlavy a krku. �koda �e tentokr�t jsem opravdu vinna jeliko� nem�m ani ��lu ani cepici. Dobre, �e jsem si to uvedomila a� ted, jinak bych si vsugerovala nachlazen� a u� cca 36 hodin le�ela v horeck�ch a caj�ckem u poh�dek v posteli. Snad nademnou Je��ek nezlomil hul, u� se n�m to toti� bl������.
P.S Maminko, jestli tyhle fotky vid�, nezlob se. Cel� je to pouze pl�novan� otu�ov�n�, v�?
these misleading sunny days make me feel like a fool. You know what I mean - December but sunny it must be warm then. Hell no. Especially not when it's windy. Thanks God for this hyper cheap faux fur from F&F which literaly saved my day (and kidneys). However the gusts were very intense anyway so I was thinking of making myself a fur ball and rolling somwhere warm.
Secondly, to all doctors and reasonable people - I am sorry about my piece of thighs. In my defence warmth mostly goes away from your head and neck...which makes me realize I didn't wear neither. Guilty as charged this time. Good for me, if I realized it before I would be totally ill by now (power of suggestion). But hey, Christmas is coooming!
P.S sorry mom if you read this please don't be angry. I'm getting used to the cold
What I'm wearing
F&F faux fur coat (sale) ; LINDEX old knit ; TOPSHOP all time fav scuba skirt ; ASOS over the knee high boots ; ZARA bag
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