
ten song hraje na hudebn�ch televiz�ch v prumeru 5x denne. Jste tedy naprosto bez �ance ho minout a i kdy� se v�m z poc�tku nel�b�, prijdete mu na chut. ,,I'm a super girl and super girls just fly''

Nel�t�me sice doslova ale obrazne receno urcite. L�t�me po venku, po �kole, z pr�ce domu apod. L�t�me ve sv�ch my�lenk�ch, snech nebo vzpom�nk�ch. L�t�me v oblac�ch ale semtam vl�tneme i do pekla. Na t�hle p�snicce se mi l�b� ,,recnick� c�st'' - ,,Do you have any super power?'' - ,,I guess I can make myself invisible''.

Ka�d� m�me nejako super schopnost. J� jich m�m hned nekolik:

  1. Ze z�sady um�m do minuty zpanikarit z jak�hokoliv duvodu

  2. Um�m si vsugerovat fungov�n� karmy tak, �e u me karma opravdu funguje 

  3. Um�m zarvat na celou tr�du ve chv�li, kdy se j� zhost� ticho 

  4. Um�m si zp�vat v duchu p�sen, kter� zacne do minuty hr�t 

  5. M�m dar kecat s k�mkoliv neomezene dlouho. Monologem. 

  6. M�m dar dostat naucen� z testu tak m�lo bodu jako nekdo, kdo se neucil vubec

  7. Ze 100% extroverta se dok�u v minute zmenit na uzavren�ho introverta 

  8. Cestuju prev�ne sama ale nikdy jsem nikde nezabloudila. Syst�my meter i ulice bych mohla vyucovat turisty. Kdy� se me ale nekdo zept� na ulice v rodn� Ostrave, nem�m p�ru 

P.S kdy� u� mluv�me o l�t�n�, kouknete se na m� ponco. Jak se kr�sne prizpusobilo t�matu. 


usually, this song is being played like 5 times a day so even you don't know it yet, you soon will. Also there is no other choice than love this song, especially its lyrics. ,,I'm a super girl and super girls just fly''.

Even though we can't fly literally, we all know that feeling of flying. We fly through our dreams, memories or thoughts. We fly outside, at work, at school or at home. I also fly in the sky, sometimes I fly through the hell. 

But I love the most about this song is the retorical part - ,,Do you have any super powers?'' - ,,I guess I can make myself invisible''. Well, we've all been there. Everyone has her super powers. Just like me:

  1. I can make myself stressed about anything in a second. 

  2. I also know that karma does exist. I talk myself into believing in it so it works for me everytime. Mostly in a bad way, the good karma must be still sleeping. 

  3. I can be very loud in a moment when everyone keeps quiet. Especially at school

  4. Sometimes when singing a song in my head, it will start playing on TV in no time  

  5. I am more than able to chat with anyone. No matter how long 

  6. And there is my gift of getting so little points as someone who wasn't study at all. When I'm learned indeed 

  7. I can be an introvert in no time even I'm 100% extrovert 

  8. I travel alone most of the time but I have never been lost. Honestly I could be a tourist's tutor speaking of metro maps in London, Berlin or Paris. But don't ask me streets of Ostrava. 

*P.S you can see my poncho flying in these pictures. Magical.  

What I'm wearing 

GINA TRICOT poncho ; NEW LOOK old ripped jeans ; WOJAS boots ; MOHITO tiny bag ; BERSHKA fedora hat


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