Jak naj�t ty spr�vn� d��ny

to nev�m ani j�. Co se t�ce spodn� c�sti m� postavy, je atypick� asi jako zeme Bl�zk�ho v�chodu.

Krat�� nohy, rovn� kotn�ky, pln� boky a placat� zadek. D�ky Bo�e, t�m huben�m pasem si mi to skutecne vynahradil.

Jak� tak asi najdu na svou postavu d��ny?

  • 7/8 maj� pro me akor�tn� d�lku ale kdy� maj� n�zk� sed tak mi dal��ch pet cm ub�raj� 

  • skinny s vysok�m pasem zase d�vaj� vyniknout m�m bokum

  • tyto kick flare jsou ��asn�, ale co mi behem fit-free obdob� narostly boky o 4 c�sla vypad� to, jako kdybych mela m�sto stehen cibule. 

  • jedinou volbou tak zust�vaj� girlfriend strihy, kter� sice muj placat� zadek je�te v�ce se�ehl�, ale to u� je to nejmen�� zlo  

U� ch�pete, proc nejradeji nos�m sukne? Ty jsou zcela bezstarostn�. Pokud nenasad�m bodycon elastick� midi sukne, jsem v pohode.

Jak to m�te s n�kupem d��nu vy?

P.S V�m, �e na fotk�ch vypadaj� d��ny ok. Typick� klam internetu. Zbystrete, kolik fotek zepredu jsem tentokr�t uverejnila? Ehm ... #fakereality 

* How to find the perfect jeans 

Even I don't know the answer. Speaking of my lower body, my legs are short, ankles thick and hips generous. Thanks God for my waist, you really made me feel much better ... 

So, which pair of jeans works for me?

  • obviously 7/8 lenght is the proper lenght for my legs but in combination with low rise it makes my legs even shorter

  • let's mention high waist skinny jeans too, very good for my hour glass body shape. Especially if I love showing my hips which I don't

  • kick flare jeans are cool but there is no place for fit-free time of a year, every single centimeter makes a huge difference here

  • in the end, girlfriend jeans are the only one for me. Of course, they make my butt flatter which is truly difficult but from all above its the best option

So, are you still wondering why I'm wearing skirts so much? Doubt it. If it's not a bodycon elastic pencil skirt I can wear whichever I want.

Now tell me, how do you choose the perfect fit of jeans?

P.S Do you think these jeans flatter me? Well, think twice, why there is no front picture of my whole body this time? Yeah, internet does magic. #fakereality sorry guys

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