Posledn� dobou
v�s nud�m jen a jen outfitov�mi pr�spevky. Kam se clovek pod�v�, tam vid�te muj oblicej (v lep��m pr�pade).
A proto�e j� v�m nud�m jen velmi nerada, rozhodla jsem se s v�mi sd�let svuj wishlist.
Jeliko� jsou v kol�i pouh� dve veci, kter� si mohu re�lne dovolit, jde opravdu o snov� seznam. O co v�ak sp�e prim�rne jde je barva.
Nude, be�ov�, p�skov�, �pinav� blond - je jedno, jak ten odst�n naz�v�te. Je to moment�lne neco, c�m chci zaplnit svou skr�n. Samozrejme zcela bez ohledu na to, �e jde o vubec nejhor�� barvu, kterou lze pro de�tiv� podzim pln� bl�ta zvolit.
Mo�n� je m� du�e v posledn� dobe tak cern�, �e t�hne alespon k nejak�mu zpusobu odbarven�.
J� se tomu nebr�n�m. Sem s t�m, dokud venku st�le sv�t� slunce. V�plata u� klepe na dvere
These days
are all about my boring outfits. No matter where you look, you see my face.
However, i don't like to be boring especially to you so I've decided to share my latest and very pure wish list. According to its prices and the fact I can afford only two of these things, it really is a dream to me. Anyway, it's more about colour.
Nude, beige, sand or anything else you can imagine - this actually may work for you. Especially when your soul is darker than dark like mine.
Well, I guess my soul just need some redemption to be this pure.
Also let's pretend is a very good idea to wear a colour like this while it's raining cats and dogs outside. You know, it is autumn so nobody can tell me this is a bad choice. If I'm not mistaken, it's still sunny so what.
Bring it on babe. Payday is knocking on my door.
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