B�t �enou
nese urcit� rizika. Rizika nedostatku oblecen� nebo kosmetiky, riziko nespokojenosti se sv�m vzhledem nebo nejv�nej�� - riziko konfrontac� s jin�mi �enami.
Ned�vno jsme s kamar�dkou sedely nad v�nem a rozj�maly, proc �ensk� re�� probl�my tak, jak je re��. Neefektivne a hrube.
Konkr�tne m�me na mysli nekolik probl�mu - kamar�dky na sebe ��rl� a kdy� se h�daj�, tak si r�kaj� hromadu o�kliv�ch slov. V hor��m pr�pade se v�ude pomluv� a u� spolu nikdy nepromluv�. Taky se pomlouvaj� holky, kter� maj� neco, co my ne. Z�vist. Nejhor�� ze v�eho ale je, kdy� se sejdou tri kamar�dky - t�mer z 99,9% si jedna bude pripadat nav�c. Za�ila to ka�d� z n�s a je to neco, na co bychom nemely b�t py�n�.
Ji� s nekolika kamar�dkami jsme se shodly na tom, �e v tomto bode bychom mely n�sledovat mu�e - nadat si, maxim�lne si d�t p�r facek a zakoncit to pivem a sm�chem. Rychl�, efektivn� a hlavne upr�mn�.
Nem�me pravdu?
P.S. Nicm�ne my �ensk� to m�me v tom, �e nen� ��dn� probl�m, kter� by nevyre�ily nov� boty. Ne nadarmo se r�k�, �e (kdykoliv) je Cas na boty !
To be a woman
can be tricky and it carries some risks. Lack of clothes or cosmetics, risk of dissatisfaction with your body and the most dangerous one - risk of conflict with another woman.
My friend and I were sitting with a bottle of wine few days ago and thinking of basic women problem. We can't solve problems quickly and easily. We are able to be jealous of her, fight with each other because of silly things and say many bad things for no reason. Worse scenario can be slandering and not talking to each other for the rest of their lives. Of course there is a jealousy when a woman has something you don't so you automatically hate her. However, the worst and often story is three friends over one table when one feels like being a fifth wheel. 99% success of happening. No matter how bad it is, we have all been there.
Many friends of mine and I have agreed that women should be able to solve problems more like men - swearing, beating and laughing over a beer. Quick, effective and honest.
Am I right?
P.S. This or that, there is no problem which a pair of new shoes couldn't solve. They say - there's always a time for shoes
What I'm wearing
MANGO wool coat ; TOPSHOP (old) skirt ; ASOS knit ; CAS NA BOTY shoes ; ZARA bag ; H&M hat
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