se vlastne venuji necemu, cemu se r�k� blogov�n�?
Mnoho lid� si mysl�, �e blogov�n� je vlastne (ne a� tak) tajn� honba za �spechem. Mnoho zaj�mav�ch kolaborac�, mo�nost zisku oblecen� zdarma, n�v�tevy nejslavnej��ch metropol� s free ubytov�n�m, n�v�tevy honosn�ch prehl�dek a mnoho dal��ho.
D�my a p�nov�, budme upr�mn�. Jsou to v�echno hezk� veci. A mnoho blogerek o to neust�le bojuje. J� ale ne. Kdy� se mi naskytne dobr� nab�dka, urcite to prijmu, nebudu lh�t. Spolupracuji s e-shopem Cas na boty, s Adidasem, Promodem a klasicky byl ve hre i asijsk� e-shop. J� ale nebloguji proto, abych byla na v�slun�, l�tala po kav�rn�ch, fotila pro casopisy, apod. Ne, �e bych proti tomu neco mela, jak r�k�m, kdyby byla mo�nost a byla by zaj�mav�, proc ne. Nicm�ne pro me to nen� priorita. Proc?
Proto�e kdy� neco del�te pro pen�ze, �spech nebo sl�vu, lid� to poznaj� a je to prvn� cesta do pekel
Proto�e bydl�m v Ostrave a nem�m cas ze dne na den sednout na vlak a odjet do Prahy na party
Proto�e jsem si hodne za�ila a v �ivote jsou pro me dule�itej�� veci
Proto�e jsem realista a v�m, �e c�sla, na kter� se v blogov�n� hled�, nehraj� v muj prospech
Proto�e nikdy nespadnu do mainstreamu, nebudu ps�t o vecech, ve kter� never�m a nosit veci, kter� zapadaj� do st�dn�ho ,,l�b� se mi''. M�m svuj styl a ne ka�d� ho mu�e
Proto�e chod�m do pr�ce, do �koly a m�m vlastn� dom�cnost, o kterou se mus�m starat. Nekter� veci u� se do 24h dne proste nevlezou
Proto�e nem�m cas fotit outfity denne, prisp�vat na Instagram fotkami z cest, kav�ren, party apod.
Proc tedy vubec bloguji?
Ze stejn�ho duvodu z jak�ho jsem zacala. Chci v�s inspirovat. Chci v�m uk�zat, �e nepotrebujete desetitis�ce na to, abyste se hezky obl�kli. �e se d� vybrat i v retezc�ch. Chci ps�t o vecech, kter� si r�di prectete, u kter�ch se zasmejete.
Chci delat to, co me bav� a chci to delat proto, aby to bavilo i v�s. A to byla, je a v�dy bude priorita m�ho blogu.
Jsem norm�ln� holka, kter� m� kon�cka. Jsem realista, kter� v�, �e blogov�n�m se neu�iv� a proto se soutred� na jin� veci. M�m snem je ps�t a pohybovat se v oblasti m�dy a j� za sv�mi sny jdu. Nicm�ne, �cty na va�e sny nehled�. Proto studuji a pracuji. Jako prodavacka. Styd�m se za to? Ne! Proc? Proto�e nikdo by se nemel stydet za to, jakou cestu si ke sv�mu c�li vybral.
Nav�c, v�te co se r�k�, lehce nabyl, lehce pozbyl.
P.S pokud jste vydr�eli a docetli a� sem, tlesk�m a douf�m, �e v�m tech ztracen�ch x minut va�eho �ivota neco dalo.
do I do a thing such as blogging?
Many people think bloggers want money, fame, clothes and things for free. That we want to travel for free, visit fashion weeks and collaborate with LV, Dior etc. Let's face it - nice things, can't say that this vision is not nice. But it's not a priority. At least not for me.
Frankly again, if there is a nice collab with someone, for example with Adidas or Triangl, I want it. I say yes. But I say yes to things I believe in. But this is not the main thing I do blogging for.
Because when you do something for money, fame or success, you will fall very soon. Its your road to hell
Because I'm from Ostrava and many great things are waiting in Prague which is quite far for someone who has no time. For example. Imagine you are a blogger from Liverpool and they send you an e-mail about a party on Tuesday. And that party is day after. Possible? Hardly.
Because I went through a lot so there are more important things for me
Because I'm realist and I know that important numbers don't work in my favour.
Because I have the unique style and some people don't get it. I will never be the one who wears things people want me to wear
Because i work, study and have a home I need to take care of. There is no more time for parties, traveling etc. Sadly.
Because, again, I have no time for everyday posting, marvelous pics on Instagram from my travels, coffeeshop visits etc.
So what's the real reason for me ?
It's the same reason I've even started - I do it for fun. I do it to inspire you, to show you that you don't need huge amount of money to shop, to wear nice things. I also love writting about interesting things you are willing to read with interest. I know that my hobby can't pay my bills, at least not now. But i work hard to live a life I want. And one day, maybe, i will be able to write and live in fashion world for living. But know I need to study, work as sale assistant (and be proud of it) and never stop dreaming. First of all I need to do all of this with passion not with dollar in my eyes.
Why ain't I ashamed of my way? Because you need to choose your way to your happiness and you can't be ashamed of it only because some people don't understand it.
You know what they say - easy come, easy go
GINA TRICOT knit ; ZARA skirt ; TOPSHOP (old) boots ; MARC BY MARC JACOBS (old) bag ; MANGO jacket
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